Cool Weather Station

I re-write from Widget: Xiaomi Humidity Temperature Pressure Sensor widget Popov Andrey(original) for my Netatmo Weather Station I made for me also i made for share so don’t have sent lot time on code and i add more feature than original it can change of size icon and font for each device

it can work almost any temp Temperature, Humidity, Sensor

Please note: if use share device with storage configuration to openhab2 it may not look good as other device I recommend use local storage

Picture it may look different go to bottom of edit size font, size icon and between space

That far i can do right now

Cool Weather Station.widget.json
(10.1 KB)


Thanks, looks cool. I am trying it out with the Netatmo binding. Unfortunately, that binding by default adds units by itself, so I have to change
itemValue(config.temp_item).split(’ ')[0]

Hacky, but I don’t know another way of getting rid of the server units.

Also, I would perhaps like to possibility to not have the labels like “Temperature” etc. because I think the icon and the unit is maybe enough to identify the type of the value. Would be even better if all icons would look different.

One more thing: Some icons look a bit strange for me when the widget size is big:
