Correct use of semantic model for lights

Hi there,

I have several lamp with 2, 3, 4 Tradfri spots per lamp. Need ideas how to model same in OH3.

My first try is at the moment a Model tree looking like this

Group Lamp [“Lightbulb”]
Group:Dimmer:AVG brightnessLamp (Lamp) [“Control”, “Light”]
Group Spot1 (Lamp) [“Lightbulb”]
Dimmer brightnessSpot1 (brightnessLamp, Spot1) [“Control”, “Light”]
Group Spot2 (Lamp) [“Lightbulb”]
Dimmer brightnessSpot2 (brightnessLamp, Spot2) [“Control”, “Light”]
Group Spot3 (Lamp) [“Lightbulb”]
Dimmer brightnessSpot3 (brightnessLamp, Spot3) [“Control”, “Light”]

Main UI is showing in equipment view when opening lights like this:

Which is in my opinion suboptimal. What would be better to only show Group brightnessLamp Dimmer on the overview and a submenu to show brightnessSpot1-3.

How can I change my modell to achieve this?

Thanks for your ideas

You can’t just from the model. The automatically created cards don’t go that deep and flattens the model, as you can see here.

So to solve this I think you will need to exclude the brightnessSpot1-3 Items from the model. Then go to the brightnessLamp Group and create a custom “default list widget” to change how it appears in the model. There you can probably configure the widget to work as you want.

Another approach would be to get rid of the Spot1-2 Equipment and just make the Dimmer Items be Points on the Lamp. That will flatten the model a bit.