I intend to create a light signal (with dimmer) when a water pump is running.
But I found that a timer could not be created inside of a loop. Is that correct or my script is incorrect?
The rule bellow do not stop for 3 seconds, as I’ve asking in the code. Instead is running over and over very fast without any pause.
var Timer timer = null
rule "light signal"
when Item pump_2 changed to ON
while (pump_2.state == ON)
timer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(3), [|light_terrace.sendCommand(100)] )
timer = null
My assumption was the intention of the while loop is to make the light blink back and forth continously. In your solution that routine happens only once.
But I do agree that it may not be an optimal solution…
You need to cancel the timer, not just set it to null.
timer = null
If you just set it to null, the Timer still exists out there running in the background but you’ve deleted your reference to it to control it.
A better approach would be to put an if around the timer.reschedule inside the timer.
if(pump_2.state != ON) timer.rescedule(now.plusSeconds(3)) // != ON used to catch NULL cases
else light_terrace.sendCommand(OFF) // probably should be updated to restore the light to its previous state
var Timer timer = null
rule "light signal"
Item pump_2 changed to ON
val currLightState = light_terrace.state
timer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(3), [ |
// blink the lights
if(light_terrace.state != 100) light_terrace.sendCommand(100)
else light_terrace.sendCommand(0)
// reschedule if necessary
if(pump_2.state == ON) timer.reschedule(now.plusSeconds(3))
else {
light_terrace.sendCommand(currLightState) // restore the light to prior state
timer = null
There is no need to cancel it. When pump_2 is no longer ON the Timer will exit on its own since it is no longer rescheduled.
There is one little edge to this though. If you have a situation where the light needs to turn off exactly when the pump turns off then a cancel needs to be implemented along the lines of your original else clause. In this case the Timer will exit at most three seconds after the pump turns off. But given this was the case in the original posting with Thread::sleeps I figure this is acceptable behavior.
At a high level, to implement a while loop with a sleep using Timers:
while(condition1) {
// do work
timer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(iterationTime), [ |
// do work
if(condition1) timer.reschedule(now.plusSeconds(iterationTime))
else timer = null