Creation an voice audio satellite with the help of an Esp32

Splitted from here…

I can help with the esp32s3 code @florian-h05


@florian-h05 quick ping for me it’s unclear how to process here…let me know if you need anything…

I would say we need to wait for the merge of [audio] Add pcm audio websocket with dialog support by GiviMAD · Pull Request #4032 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub, then it can be worked on the ESP code.
I would suggest you subscribe to that PR on GitHub so you get notified once it is merged and I don’t have to remember telling you :wink:

I also think that following the Home Assistant solution closely would be a great idea.
This way we can benefit from their client code, and avoiding fragmenting the young voice ecosystem.
I see at least three implementations to watch carefully:
1- the S3-BOX
2- The newly announced Home Assistant Voice (preview edition)
3- The wyoming protocol for custom remote satellite (such as the Raspberry PI) (I would like to do something about it for openHAB sooner or later)

I also wonder if 1 and 2 are based on the same protocol, or at least loosely ?