Custom icons in custom widgets

F7 icon set are great but is almost useless for home automation.
How I can use custom icons in widgets?

This code displays nice big bulb:

 - component: oh-icon
       color: '=((items[props.switchItem].state == "ON") || (items[props.switchItem].state > 0) || (items[props.dimmerItem].state > 0)) ? props.micaColor : "gray"'
       icon: '=props.mainIcon ? props.mainIcon : "f7:lightbulb"'
       width: 10vw

But if I change icon to “oh:bulb” icon becomes very small.
Icon used is bulb.svg file downloaded from HABPanel. I also tried with other .png icons, same effect.
What am I doing wrong?

Maybe someone knows some icon sets that can be used in widgets and pages?
Maybe somehow icons from HABPanel can be used?

Could you elaborate?
Material icons same problem as F7 .
Iconify are online, isn’t? Inline, but how to use this in props?
What about icon size? Why custom icon ignores width parameter?

Not 100% sure what you are after, just wanted to share what you can use as a source. A good start might also be this article New feature in Main UI: Iconify support for icons.

I am trying to switch from HABPanel to Pages. I have made some custom widgets which has taken me way too long. And now it turns out that I can’t set different icons in Pages depending on the device.
I can use my own icons, but they don’t display like the others.

In the case of an oh-icon component, the size is only given in px and can also be omitted

width: 50

should do it

It works that way.

Why OH icons can’t change color? Is there any workaround?

But there is a downside, the icon is large on a small screen and relatively small on a large screen

Simulated color change with “filter”.

- component: oh-icon
  color: '=((items[props.switchItem].state == "ON") || (items[props.switchItem].state > 0) || (items[props.dimmerItem].state > 0)) ? props.micaColor : "gray"'
  icon: '=props.mainIcon ? props.mainIcon : "f7:lightbulb"'
  width: 96               
     filter: '=props.mainIcon.split(":")[0] == "oh" ? ((items[props.switchItem].state == "ON") || (items[props.switchItem].state > 0) || (items[props.dimmerItem].state > 0)) ? "invert(95%) sepia(90%) hue-rotate(0deg) opacity(90%)" : "invert(50%) sepia(10%) hue-rotate(90deg) opacity(90%)" : ""'

Nothing from here seems to work.