New feature in Main UI: Iconify support for icons

Hi all,

In this post I wanted to explain the feature recently added in the main UI (oh-icon component improvements, Iconify icon support by ghys · Pull Request #1149 · openhab/openhab-webui · Git) and what it means for users and widget authors.

The first obvious change is that from now on, the oh-icon component that you might as a widget author assimilated to be for only displaying openHAB icons, now can display icons from several sources, if you specify the icon property with a prefix. Those are:

Backwards compatibility is paramount so if you are already using the oh-icon component to display OH icons, don’t worry, if you don’t have a prefix with a colon : in the icon parameter, it will be assumed to be a OH icon like before.

The Iconify icon source

To help with the authoring of widgets, the Iconify source (iconify:, if: as a shorthand alias) has been added as a way to get more icons - it’s a online service curating dozens of iconsets with more than 100,000 icons in total. It’s important to note that you need an internet connection to fetch the icons initially from, so you need to trust the service as well. If you don’t, or want everything locally, I’ll provide an alternative below.

Iconify icons are cached in the browser’s local storage the first time they are accessed, so as long as you don’t purge your local browser storage, the icons won’t be retrieved from the “cloud” once they’re in the cache.


You want a fire extinguisher icon, but didn’t find any that suited in the built-in iconsets.

So after searching on you find this icon:

All you have to do now to integrate it, is to use the iconify:<iconSet>:<iconName> syntax, like this:

component: oh-button
  round: true
  outline: true
    - margin
    - display-flex
    - flex-direction-column
    height: auto
    - component: oh-icon
        height: 200px
        icon: iconify:noto:fire-extinguisher
          - padding
    - component: Label
        text: A Fire Extinguisher Button
          font-size: 30px
          - margin-left-half
          - margin-bottom


Note that this particular icon doesn’t support colors, because it has some of its own, but most of those which are monochrome do, so you can use the iconColor property when appropriate. Also note that certain components using oh-icon under the hood now support this source as well, not just oh-icon itself:


component: f7-list
  mediaList: true
    - component: oh-list-item
        title: Tesla Model 3
        icon: iconify:simple-icons:tesla
        iconColor: green
        badge: ONLINE
        badgeColor: green
    - component: oh-list-item
        title: Audi Q5
        icon: iconify:simple-icons:audi
        iconColor: teal
        badge: UNKNOWN
        badgeColor: teal
    - component: oh-list-item
        title: BMW 720i
        icon: iconify:simple-icons:bmw
        iconColor: green
        badge: ONLINE
        badgeColor: green
    - component: oh-list-item
        title: Mercedes GLC
        icon: iconify:simple-icons:mercedes
        iconColor: red
        badge: OFFLINE
        badgeColor: red


(icons found in Simple Icons • Iconify)

However native Framework7 components and derivatives do not support icons beyond what they were designed to support (namely Framework7 and Material icons), so YMMV. But most openHAB components will - check the descriptions in the components’ docs as they will mention Iconify as a source if they support it.

What if I don’t want to rely on a remote service to display my icons?

That’s fine, oh:/f7:/material: icons are still fetched locally. If you like some of the Iconify icons that you find and want to use them completely offline, you have a couple of options:

So let’s say you want to use this icon server security • Material Design Icons • Iconify in your widget:

And let’s say to want it in red so you specify red or #ff0000 in the “color” text box.

If you click on the “SVG” button and then the “SVG as data: URI” buttons, you’ll end up with some encoded SVG code:

Now what you have to do is add this code to the background: CSS style of one of your UI components, the simplest being Label, and the icon will be rendered locally, without any additional network request (add center / contain no-repeat at the end):

component: Label
    background: url('data:image/svg+xml,') center / contain no-repeat
    height: 100px


Please note that this approach has caveats, it increases the weight of your widget code, and you can’t benefit from the caching features of the regular API.

Hope it helps!


Hello, is there any plan to add Iconify support to the old sitemap syntax? Thanks.

That’s awesome stuff - thank you.

I am already using it successfully by:

icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"

but how to scale the size of the icon in this syntax?
The regular parameters in “style” don’t seem to work.

iconSize: 20
                    icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"
                      height: 18px

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Thank you, Hans-Jörg,

Unfortunately this does not work either:

              icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
                bottom: -22px
                height: 24px
                left: 120px
                position: absolute

the height parameter just shifts the icon up and down (this is with height: 44px)

Please show your complete component config.

sure - thank you:

component: f7-card
    background-color: "=props.bgcolor ? props.bgcolor : ''"
    background-image: "=props.bg_image_url ? 'url(/static/backgrounds/' + (props.bg_image_url) + ')' : ''"
    border-radius: var(--f7-card-expandable-border-radius)
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
      - padding: 0px
    height: 140px
    margin-left: 5px
    margin-right: 5px
    noShadow: false
    - component: f7-block
          left: 45px
          position: absolute
          top: -5px
          - component: Label
                font-size: 17px
                font-weight: 600
                margin-left: 0px
                margin-top: 0px
              text: "=props.text_header ? props.text_header : 'Set Props'"
    - component: f7-block
          bottom: 2px
          left: 5px
          position: absolute
          - component: oh-link
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
              iconF7: "=items[props.alarm_mode].state === 'ON' ? 'alarm' : 'alarm_off'"
              iconSize: 20
                left: 20px
                position: absolute
              visible: "=props.alarm_mode ? true : false"
          - component: oh-link
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
              iconF7: "=items[props.status_lock].state === 'ON' ? 'lock' : 'lock_open'"
              iconSize: 20
                left: 50px
                position: absolute
              visible: "=props.status_lock ? true : false"
          - component: oh-link
              iconBadge: "=(items[props.status_light].state > 0) ? items[props.status_light].state : ''"
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
              iconF7: "=(items[props.status_light].state === 'ON' ) ? 'lightbulb_fill' : (items[props.status_light].state === 'OFF' ) ? 'lightbulb' : (items[props.status_light].state > 0 ) ? 'lightbulb_fill' : 'lightbulb' "
              iconSize: 20
                left: 85px
                position: absolute
          - component: oh-icon
              icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
                bottom: -22px
                height: 44px
                left: 120px
                position: absolute

It’s about the last part (oh-icon) with the door state

Sorry, for oh-icon it is “width” :

              icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"
              iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
                bottom: -22px
                height: 24px
                width: 36
                left: 120px
                position: absolute

The iconify icons are svg elements so scaling manually is a little trickier. Most of them should be properly defined in em units so the best bet is just to use fontSize in the oh-icon.

- component: oh-icon
    icon: "=items[props.door_state].state === 'OPEN' ? 'iconify:bi:door-open' : 'iconify:bi:door-closed'"
    iconColor: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'orange'"
      bottom: -22px
      left: 120px
      position: absolute
      fontSize: 18px
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both are working!

Thank you, Justin & Hans-Jörg!

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Does this feature work with .items files too?

No. You have to configure the icons in the main ui (widget configuration or yaml).
What are you trying to achieve?

I’ve set up everything in .items files and want to stick to that. Since you can set up basic icons in .items files and custom ones if you store them locally, I thought it might also be possible to configure Iconify icons that way.

No, it is only a feature for the widgets shown in MainUI.

I will try to to it for BasicUI.

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This is very nice, maybe worth mentioning in the Documentation

I just tried to make it work for Location pages, which really needs you to put oh: in front of the iconify name.
So: oh:iconify:carbon:number-small-2

I mean it literally says it below, but I thought that was only for the openHAB icons as Yannick mentions in his first post. I hope this is useful for someone else trying to do that and also doesn’t see that from start.

Edit: It doesn’t work. It is only showing the item in the “edit pages” part, but not in the actual location page.

Any ideas how to handle this? Do I need to download the icons and put them in the icons dir to have it working?