Custom Widget send exact values to Hue bulbs

Hi, I’m creating a custom widget. I want to increase/decrease the brightness of several hue bulbs by exactly 10%.

Problem 1: The value is not increased/decreased by 10, but by something 10 +/- 0.12.
If value is 0% usually +10 leads to 9.88%. Next try to increase leads to 19.76% and so on.
If the value is 100%, minus butten reduces the value by 9.88 each time.
Solution 1: No solution yet. Mybe rounding is a solution becaus of translation from a byte value (0-255 to 0-100) - any suggestions?
Yaml code (2 buttons, one label in the middle):

- component: oh-button
    action: command
    actionCommand: '=items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 90 ? 100 : items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state + 10'
    actionItem: =props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer
      - component: f7-icon
          f7: lightbulb_fill
            color: green
- component: Label
    text: =Number.parseFloat(items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state) + "%"
- component: oh-button
    action: command
    actionCommand: '=items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state <= 10 ? 0 : items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state - 10'
    actionItem: =props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer
      - component: f7-icon
          f7: lightbulb
            color: green

Problem 2: If I try set the brigthness to zero, an communication error occurs. If the value is larger than 10, it works (with the code mentioned above, actionCommand of the 2. button).
Solution 2: No solution yet. How can I set the value to zero? This row:

actionCommand: '=items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state <= 10 ? 0 : items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state - 10'

Problem 3: If brightness was changed by hue app e.g., value could be an uneven value (22.92% e.g).
Solution 3: Value is adapted depending on current value (plus button for example). But: If rouding is a solution for Problem 1, this approach could change. This is one long row:

actionCommand: '=items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 90 ? 100 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 80 ? 90 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 70 ? 80 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 60 ? 70 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 50 ? 60 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 40 ? 50 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 30 ? 40 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 20 ? 30 : 
items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state >= 10 ? 20 : 10'

Regarding Problem 2: Converting the value to string did not solve the isse (like described here).

Problem 4 occured: Value is 0%. Plus-button leads to 9.88%. Next time plus-button leads to 9.8801%, next time to 9.880101% and so on. This is not reproducible…

I think most of your problem derives from the fact that you are treating items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state as a number. No matter what type of item, the value returned by items[X].state when using the widgets expressions is always a string. You will get much more predictable responses if you explicitly convert the string values to number values. Since it seems you mostly want to work with integers then you probably want to work with Number.parseInt(...). So, your comparisons should be:

Number.parseInt(items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state) <= 10

And your increase/decrease formulae should look like this:

Number.praseInt(items[props.itemHelligkeitHueBadezimmer].state) - 10