Custom Widget: Weather Chart (Meteogram)


I would like to use the habpanel on different tablets with different resolutions.
Unfortunately the widget seems to be not well scalable.
Does anyone have a idea how this could be improved?

Regards Stefan

Hi Stefan

What do you mean by not well scalable? Could you post an example?



Hi Mike,

I ment, if you display the widget on a screen which is smaller the widget was configured for (height and width of diagram) then the diagram will go over the limits of the widget.

But can be easily fixed:

<img ng-src="{{meteogram_options | json}}" width="100%"/>

Instead of:

<img ng-src="{{meteogram_options | json}}"/>


So are you trying to use the same options to display the meteogram on different screen sizes, is that the problem? Because of course, if the screen is smaller than the meteogram then you can just reduce the size (width, height) of the meteogram. Is it not possible to have different options (particularly width, height) for different screens? The main downside of generating a larger chart and then shrinking it to fit the smaller screen is that it uses more server resource; generating a smaller meteogram in the first place would be more efficient.

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Hi @drmrbrewer

I really like your meteogramm and I’m using it for a long time (on my pc in the webbrowser). Thanks! :blue_heart:

I’m using opnehab 3 and I’d like to integrate metrogramm.
I was struggling implementing a widget into openhab 3 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I guess I have to manually add it:
Developer tools → Widgets → +

Is there a guide how to implement meteogramm into openhab 3?

Hi @DiViNe – I don’t personally use openhab, so can’t be of much help, but hopefully someone else here can help? Anything related to meteogram itself, I can help :slight_smile:

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