Custom Widget: Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Status

This is a simple status widget for Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum. It should also work with newer generations.
Designed for usage with MiIO binding

Best for 2x1 or 2x2 widget sizes

It displays:

  • widget name as headline
  • current operation state
  • battery level (if <100%)
  • current error (if any)
  • warnings for consumables running out (if <5% remaining)

You got the joke? :stuck_out_tongue:
Note: The widget is english! I just used a map transform for the status in my setup.

XiaomiMiRobotStatus.widget.json (3.2 KB)

Newer version now using StateId and supporting the Roborock S7 Pro Ultra with washing dock:
XiaomiMiRobotStatus.widget.json (4.9 KB)

Love the widget, thank you!

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I just uplaoded a newer version of this widget which is now using StateID (because many newer IDs are not translated into a readable state by the binsing). This has advantages and downsides… The widget is still simple as hell so you can add your own states if any.

The widget now also opens a dashboard named “CLEANING” if it exists when you click on it. This is useful for creating a control panel :slight_smile: