Daikin Airbase Binding

Thanks for the clarifications. It’s an easy fix.

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That’s good news :slight_smile:

Interesting finding. My system has frate_steps = 3, meaning the levels for f_rate are 1, 3 and 5.
However, I can manually set f_rate to 2 and 4 (by setting it via set_control_info url) and the controller retained the rate and updated the wall controller indicator accordingly. It still shows only 3 bars max, so when f_rate=2 it shows 1 bar, and f_rate=4 it shows 2 bars.

I’m curious whether those with frate_steps = 2 can do the same.

If this were the case, I see no reason why we shouldn’t allow all the 5 different levels.

@JimT wow - that is interesting. Did you notice any change in fan speed with f_rate 2 vs 3?

just trying to set a timer to turn on AC and that part works , however when I use sendcommand to switch off nothing seems to happen.
eg rule:


one more question how do I turn on debugging addon for this again to see whats happening?

It works for me, so I doubt if it’s a bug.

log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.daikin

BTW where is the latest bundle perhaps I’m using a old version…

I was using the bundle 2.5M5 and M6 before developing the bundle further. You can see your version using

bundle:list org.openhab.binding.daikin

my bundle version is

Was that a development version from @Paul_Smedley that has the homekit channel?

not sure , I saw that mentioned trying to get this off function working I see the command sent but it doesnt work.
it seems to work in part of the rule but not in timer???

// Daikin AC rules
var Timer ACTimer = null
var Number ACWait = 1

rule “Daikin timer Switch”
Item Daikin_Timer changed
var t= Daikin_Timer.state
logInfo(“daikin”,“AC Timer switch ON state=”+ t + " Currently Power is "+ Daikin_Power.state)
ACTimer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(ACWait.intValue), [|
logInfo(“daikin”,"AC Timer switch OFF, Currently Power is "+ Daikin_Power.state)



  Item Daikin_Timer changed to ON

Here’s a code snippet from my Thermostat rule.

rule "Thermostat Schedule 0600"
	//Every day at 06:00 hours
	Time cron "0 0 06 ? * * *"
	if (DaikinAirbaseACUnit_Mode.state == "HEAT") {
	        DaikinBindingAirbaseACUnit1921681150_Power.sendCommand (ON)
		DaikinBindingAirbaseACUnit1921681150_SetPoint.sendCommand (18)
	        DaikinBindingAirbaseACUnit1921681150_Zone5.sendCommand (OFF)

Item Daikin_Timer changed to ON

doh I was switching it back on again in code… !

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With just one zone on, I tried feeling the wind with my hand near the diffuser outlet. I think there’s a slight difference. I tried switching around between levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with my phone in the other hand changing it via BasicUI. It’s not a scientific test though. Might need to use a wind meter to be sure.

I submitted my PR https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/pull/6534
It fixes the state bounce amongst others.

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Awesome Jim! Cant wait to try it out

I submitted a new PR https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/pull/6591. I decided to just go ahead and split up the classes.

@dastrix80, would you mind testing the “bounce” fix? I don’t know the proper way to do this, so I’ve uploaded the jar file here https://github.com/jimtng/packages/raw/master/org.openhab.binding.daikin-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Uninstall your Daikin binding, and put this jar file in your openhab/addons folder. Stop openhab, clear cache (not sure if it’s necessary), then start openhab.

Thanks Jim, unforunately it doesnt work with a rather large error
daikin.txt (101.8 KB)

Are you using 2.5 milestone or rc? This was built for 2.5