i have a newly installed set of Daikin aircondition system.
I wanted to integrate that into my current OH version - 1.83 with Binding version 1.9
For moving into OH2 i would need some more time - which i currently not have. I followed the instructions in Wiki for the installation of the binding - copied the Jar file and had included that into my openhab.cfg file:
# where <name> is used in your item bindings
where WIRELESS or WIRED is the type of your Daikin Remote Control Device (BRP069A42 is a WIRELESS Device)
# daikin:<name>.username=<not used>
# daikin:<name>.password=<not used>
I am using a BRP069A41 Wirelss lan connection adaptor with Firmware 2.6
Starting OH in debug mode - i receive the following:
18:07:12.876 [DEBUG] [o.b.d.internal.DaikinActivator:34 ] - Daikin binding has been started.
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
at net.jonathangiles.daikin.util.RestConnector.submitGet(RestConnector.java:26)
at net.jonathangiles.daikin.wired.WiredDaikin.readDaikinState(WiredDaikin.java:65)
at net.jonathangiles.daikin.DaikinBase.<init>(DaikinBase.java:42)
at net.jonathangiles.daikin.wired.WiredDaikin.<init>(WiredDaikin.java:32)
at net.jonathangiles.daikin.DaikinFactory.createWiredDaikin(DaikinFactory.java:26)
at org.openhab.binding.daikin.internal.DaikinBinding.updated(DaikinBinding.java:287)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.cm.ManagedServiceTracker$1.run(ManagedServiceTracker.java:183)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.cm.SerializedTaskQueue$1.run(SerializedTaskQueue.java:36)
Opening the directly in a browser i get the following response:
ret=PARAM NG,msg=404 Not Found
And based on binding not loaded correctly the items are not registered either.
thanks for help!