Daily Backup Solution

I looked through the forum about a automatic backup solution and setup myself something I want to share and get your feedback.

I decided to backup my configuration to google drive. So I created a google account just for backup which includes 15GB, which should be enough for a while.

I looked for a utility which can connect to the google drive and found rclone: https://rclone.org/install/. THe installation is straight forward.

I created a script:


listOfDirs=(/var/lib/openhab2 /etc/openhab2 /var/log/openhab2 /opt/backup )
rcloneOptions="-v --ignore-checksum --ignore-size --local-no-check-updated"

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : backup started

for dir in "${listOfDirs[@]}"
   echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : backup of  $dir
   rclone  $rcloneOptions --config=$rcloneConfig sync $dir raspiohab:/backup/$localServer$dir

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")  : backup complete

which I added to cron on root level:

0 0 * * * /opt/backup/backup.sh >> /opt/backup/backup.log 2>&1

As you can see I am backing up /var/lib/openhab2 /etc/openhab2.
Which additional folders should be backup-ed.

What is your feedback


How would restore work?

Were I to go with this approach, I would use sudo openhab-cli backup to generate the backups then only backup the contents of /var/lib/openhab2/backups to Google Drive. That way you know you will always have everything needed backed up (OH config wise) and you have a built in way to restore.

This seems to be more reasonable to run the built in backup and then copy the zip to gdrive.
Additionally the script can be used to backup of influxdb and grafana . Influxdb and grafana I run on differnt server whe I first start infludb own backup routine and then backup the output.


listOfDirs=(/tmp/ifxbackup /var/lib/grafana /etc/grafana \
            /opt/landroid-bridge /etc/init.d/landroid-bridge \
            /etc/default/ebusd /etc/ebusd /opt/backup)

rcloneOptions="-v --ignore-checksum --ignore-size --local-no-check-updated"

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : backup started

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  create influxdb in /tmp/ifxbackup
# Create influxdb backup
influxd backup -portable /tmp/ifxbackup

for dir in "${listOfDirs[@]}"
   echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup of $dir
   rclone $rcloneOptions --config=$rcloneConfig sync $dir raspiohab:/backup/$localServer$dir

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup complete

@lukics I keep getting errors about file open when backing up grafana

How have you managed to do this?

2018-09-27 09:58:17 : backup of /var/lib/grafana
2018/09/27 09:58:31 ERROR : sessions: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "sessions": open /var/lib/grafana/sessions: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:58:31 ERROR : png: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "png": open /var/lib/grafana/png: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:58:31 ERROR : grafana.db: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:58:31 ERROR : plugins: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "plugins": open /var/lib/grafana/plugins: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:58:31 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for checks to finish
2018/09/27 09:58:31 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/09/27 09:58:49 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting files as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:58:49 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:58:49 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 4 errors and: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:58:59 ERROR : grafana.db: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : sessions: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "sessions": open /var/lib/grafana/sessions: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : plugins: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "plugins": open /var/lib/grafana/plugins: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : png: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "png": open /var/lib/grafana/png: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:00 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for checks to finish
2018/09/27 09:59:00 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting files as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 4 errors and: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:00 ERROR : grafana.db: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : png: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "png": open /var/lib/grafana/png: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : sessions: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "sessions": open /var/lib/grafana/sessions: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : plugins: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "plugins": open /var/lib/grafana/plugins: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:01 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for checks to finish
2018/09/27 09:59:01 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting files as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 09:59:01 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 4 errors and: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 09:59:01 Failed to sync: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied

Are you running the script with root permission, e.g. sudo backup.sh , sudo crontab -e ?

--ignore-checksum --ignore-size --local-no-check-updated

did some magic for me!

It backs up the Oh2 zip fine along with influx, just not the Grafana filesā€¦ yes, its run with sudo



listOfDirs=(/var/lib/openhab2/backups/ /home/kris/.config/rclone/ )

rcloneOptions="-v --ignore-checksum --ignore-size --local-no-check-updated"

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : backup started

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  create influxdb in /home/kris/influxbk
# Create influxdb backup
influxd backup -portable /home/kris/influxbk

for dir in "${listOfDirs[@]}"
   echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup of $dir
   rclone $rcloneOptions --config=$rcloneConfig sync $dir Google:backup/$localServer$dir

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup complete


rule "Backup OH2/Influx/Grafana"
 Time cron "0 0 1 ? * * *" or
 Item backupserver received command ON
 logInfo("Server Backup", "Backing up the Server")
 var String RCloneOutput = executeCommandLine("sudo /etc/openhab2/scripts/backup.sh", 60000)
 logInfo("Server Backup", "Backup Executed + RCloneOutput")

  1. I do not see that you have grafana directory in the list of directories, ok, see your comment
  2. No need to backup rclone config, can be recreated at any time
  3. I would suggest to run the backup.sh from the system cron, e.g. sudo contab -e an redirect to backup.log

1)I removed it out, it was there before but created errors
2) OK
3) Any reason over the cron time in rules and or a switch? sometimes i want to manually initiate backups from habPanel, this works

did you try to run the command in the console and you could stop and start the grafana service in the backup.sh if needed

I readded the grafana directories

Yes, running it in the console now. Yes, I could stop/start Grafana - how would I add that to the script? i use systemctl

Here is the result after adding them:

2018-09-27 15:39:16 : backup of /var/lib/grafana
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : grafana.db: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : sessions: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "sessions": open /var/lib/grafana/sessions: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : png: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "png": open /var/lib/grafana/png: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : plugins: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "plugins": open /var/lib/grafana/plugins: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:19 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for checks to finish
2018/09/27 15:39:19 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting files as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 15:39:19 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 4 errors and: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:20 ERROR : grafana.db: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : png: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "png": open /var/lib/grafana/png: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : plugins: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "plugins": open /var/lib/grafana/plugins: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : sessions: error reading source directory: failed to open directory "sessions": open /var/lib/grafana/sessions: permission denied
2018/09/27 15:39:21 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for checks to finish
2018/09/27 15:39:21 INFO  : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting files as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : Google drive root 'backup/openhab2/var/lib/grafana': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2018/09/27 15:39:21 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 4 errors and: failed to open source object: open /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db: permission denied
sudo systemctl stop grafana-server

did you check the directory permissions for grafana, just adapting these could give the solution

I more mean, in the script. I know how to start it from the console.


sudo chmod -R a+r /var/lib/grafana

should be no difference as on the command line

This didnt workā€¦

listOfDirs=(/home/kris/OH2Backup.zip /var/lib/grafana /etc/grafana )

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : Stopping Grafana
sudo systemctl stop grafana-server

rcloneOptions="-v --ignore-checksum --ignore-size --local-no-check-updated"

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : backup started

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  create influxdb in /home/kris/influxbk
# Create influxdb backup
influxd backup -portable /home/kris/influxbk

for dir in "${listOfDirs[@]}"
   echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup of $dir
   rclone $rcloneOptions --config=$rcloneConfig sync $dir Google:backup/$localServer$dir

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") : Starting Grafana
sudo systemctl start grafana-server

echo  $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") :  backup complete

you do not sudo inside script, run the script with sudo permission
try also to adapt the permissions of whole grafana as alternative

by removing sudo from the command, the console wants me to enter the password

I dont know what that means ā€˜adapt permissionsā€™

Im learning unix :frowning:

sudo  bash -c '/opt/backup/backup.sh >> /opt/backup/backup.log 2>&1'

I meant that it might be enough to change the permission on the directory level by calling the obove command

sudo chmod -R a+r /var/lib/grafana

There you give read permission to grafa dir and subdirs to all