Dashboard, paper ui stopped after update to 2.5.3-1

Hi @Klimbim sorry for the late response we had some family emergencies.

First of al when you delete te openhab2 and openhab2-addons it will only delete system files the files you created yourself in the folders under /etc/openhab2/* will remain there and when you do a new install it will use those files so if you configured the addons.cfg file it will also auto install al you’re bindings, ect…
I noticed that after deleting openhab2 and reinstalling it, the things i did create in the paperui also remained. Buth if you want to be really sure i suggest you to make a copy of the /etc/openhab2/* folder, i also did this.

It’s also not needed to install the openhab2-addons packages this for when you would use you setup offline and can directly download any wanted addons from the internet.

To Reply at you first edit:
I think the best way to get it fully working and without these wierd error’s the easist way is to just remove and install it back again. It took me over al 5minutes.

And in Reply to you’re second and 3th edit:
I see that whats happening is quite te same what happend to me, i think there is some issue between the versions, so a reinstall will resolve this.
Also if the address is pointing you to this is normal behavior, but it takes some time for openhab to get fully started and display the page that you are supposed to see there.

So to conclude i strongly suggest to remove and install the openhab2 package all over again, this will most probably resolve you’re issue. Please let us now if this worked for you, so when other users experience this issue they can also try this.