If Jython, I recommend against any new development using that. It is our most at risk add-on and it’s a near guarantee that it will stop working at some point. Maybe soon, maybe years from now. But for all intents and purposes it’s no longer maintained.
What’s with the URL and HTTP stuff?
Are you using the Jython Helper Library?
If this is HABApp, please adjust your tags and title of post so it’s clear that’s what you are referring to.
Assuming this is Jython, actually there isn’t a postUpdate nor sendCommand on the Item. You have to use the event bus actions event.postUpdate('ItemName", "NewStateAsString"). If it’s HABApp . I’ve not really used HABApp.
I have no idea who wrote nor maintains that library. I’ve never heard of it nor seen anything posted about it on this forum. It’s definitely not something that’s officially known nor supported by the OH project itself.
Because there are at least two other Python ways to interact with OH, it helps us a lot to understand what you are asking about.