Deconz binding does not update :lightgroup:

I have almost all deconz-connected lights defined as groups.
Without going into details about how my light-controlling rules are working ( I created an article some time ago), I need feedback when light status (on/off, level change for dimmer) is changed outside of my light rules. This happens when I manipulate lights with Phoscon.

I have an item definition like this.

Dimmer   StudyRoomLightTopHG  "Licht Arbeitszimmer"{channel="deconz:lightgroup:00212E00C488:26:color", alexa="Lighting"}

As a test, I changed the status of the light externally (e.g. Phoscon App) but no event was created and no update of StudyRoomLightTopHG happened.

No change happens when I define the item as a Color too. The channels all_on and any_on are updated though.

I have connected Python test program to the deconz websocket and can see that the values are sent:

Received Message:
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "lights",
  "state": {
    "alert": "none",
    "bri": 25,
    "colormode": "ct",
    "ct": 370,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
  "t": "event",
  "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"
Received Message:
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "groups",
  "state": {
    "all_on": true,
    "any_on": true
  "t": "event"
Received Message:
  "attr": {
    "colorcapabilities": 16,
    "ctmax": 370,
    "ctmin": 153,
    "id": "26",
    "lastannounced": "2023-12-23T13:11:39Z",
    "lastseen": "2024-04-02T15:10Z",
    "manufacturername": "OSRAM",
    "modelid": "Surface Light TW",
    "name": "Arbeitszimmer Decke",
    "swversion": "V1.05.10",
    "type": "Color temperature light",
    "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "lights",
  "t": "event",
  "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"
Received Message:
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "lights",
  "state": {
    "alert": "none",
    "bri": 17,
    "colormode": "ct",
    "ct": 370,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
  "t": "event",
  "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"
Received Message:
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "lights",
  "state": {
    "alert": "none",
    "bri": 22,
    "colormode": "ct",
    "ct": 370,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
  "t": "event",
  "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"
Received Message:
  "e": "changed",
  "id": "26",
  "r": "lights",
  "state": {
    "alert": "none",
    "bri": 25,
    "colormode": "ct",
    "ct": 370,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
  "t": "event",
  "uniqueid": "84:18:26:00:00:0a:80:4c-03"

Who is maintaining this binding, and where can I report this issue?
Can anybody reproduce this issue?
I am running openhab 4.1.1.

About all I can answer here is

the openhab-addons repo and in the title start it with “[deconz]” so it’s clear which add-on you are filing the issue on.

1 Like

After deeper analysis while trying to create a git case, I concluded that my expectations were not valid.
In a light group, it is not possible to define the value of the color channel used as a dimmer item and even less when it is used as a color item, without having metadata defining how the rules apply if the single member of the group is out of sync. Openhab groups have such possibility (min, max,…)