I’m currently upgrading to Openhab 4.x and have decided to migrate from UI based configuration to Text based.
I have numerous things that are controlled outside of Openhab (by other things in Openhab) but I would like to be able to see them in Openhab as a way of tracking them. In order to do this I would like to create them but have them disabled.
Whilst there are ways to disable things for you through file based way (e.g. write a script to disable them, or create them in an initially disabled state)…
Would disabled Things be updated?
Can’t you just leave them enabled but not issue commands (through an item) to them?
I ended up creating them and naming them in such a way that it makes it self documenting. Such as putting the word “Load” on the items that actually do something and are not just controllers. Disabling on 100% startup is also a good idea. I’ll look into that.
I think your idea of disabling on startup is the best method. Do you have an example rule that would to this? I see to not be able to get an instance of a Thing…
# List the UIDs of the things you'd like to disable on start up in this array
].each { |uid| things[uid]&.disable }