Deletion of Addon config when addon is uninstalled (example: PollyTTS)


I’m wondering if it’s the expected behavior of OH3 that an Add-on’s configuration, in my case PollyTTS does not get deleted even if the plugin was uninstalled successfully. If that’s expected how can one delete the configuration of an Addon?

Version: openHAB 3.1.0.M4
Addon: Polly Text-to-Speech 3.1.0.M4

Thanks in advance

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That is expected behavior because there is no way to tell the difference between an uninstallation for good and an uninstallation due to an upgrade.

Look for a pollytts.config file in /var/lib/openhab/config. It’ll be somewhere in those subfolders.

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@rikoshak: thanks for the confirmation! I’m not sure if this has been previously discussed, but as a feature request, would be great to have the option in the web console to “uninstall” or “uninstall and delete config”.

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