Detect Open Window (aqara) - Reduce Temperature by Wiser


I would like to reduce the set temperature of my Wiser thermostats via my Aqara window sensors.

Open - Reduce the set temperature to the minimum
Close - Booster - 15 min with the same set temperature (open)

The problem is mainly in the temperature format.

Can anyone help me?

Probably not without seeing what you’ve tried.

Use code fences

code goes here

There is like half a dozen different ways to implement what you’ve described. Without knowing which of those you’ve tried :man_shrugging: .

Sorry for the late response. I was ill.

I just tried it with “Blockly”


Automatic generate code

events.sendCommand('WiserRoomFlurunten_SetPoint', 10);

What triggers’s this rule?

How are the relevant Items configured?

Do you see errors in the logs?

You got to give us something to work with here.