Hey Tom
This topis has come up recently several times and a quick search (of this forum) should bring a few examples. I will take a quick look and see if I can find the one I’m thinking of which I think was zwave related in fact
but anyhow, also things can be used to trigger a rule and some ‘things’ even have a channel for this type thing
happy hunting then
this isn’t the one I’m thinking of but may help
Is there any way to configure one general rule to detect when a thing (e.g. a bridge) goes offline?
Something like the following pseudocode:
Thing * changes from ONLINE to OFFLINE
sendTelegramAction("Thing * went offline")
i using some smoke detectors and want to show thing status of each smoke detector in habpanel. (show online/offline state of device)
There are a trigger to get the thing status and use a thing to display the actual thing state?
Regards, Webfeger
i have 2 MCP23017 chips connected to my raspberry with openhab and it usually works well, however, sometimes the chips will not go online after a reboot, so i thought maybe it was possible to just retrive the status in an item and show it on the sitemap.
is this possible, without creating a rule to retrive the status?
things example:
Thing mcp23017:mcp23017:chipA "MCP23017 chip A" [address=24,bus=1]
item example:
Switch switch_chipA_A0 "Lys Switch Chip A A0" <light> (Terr_Lysalle, …
Well, it’s a little more complicated than that; some devices have channels that don’t receive values until their state changes (things like Z-wave devices). So if you add a z-wave device alarm sensor, the device will be online but the value will be UNDEF. You have to uses persistence and trigger the device on/off in order for the UNDEF to clear.
Aside from that caveat, UNDEF seems to be pretty reliable. Like I said, this is OpenHab setting it in response to thing transitioning to offline, so at…
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