Device State Offline

Hi all,

Since few days ago I have an strange issue. My devices come offline with no reason. If I open the Google Home app it seems that it tries to reconnect and devices become online, but after some time after I close the app they become offline again.

It also happens if I ask Google Assistant to do any action with the devices, sometimes it does the action and sometimes it says that the device is offline.

I’ve tried to restart openhab, reconnect openhab with google home, reduce the number of devices exposed to google (currently 73)…

It seems that google home lose connection with myopehab, but I have no more ideas.

It could be related to any of the last updates?

Thanks in advance

No solution but I can confirm this behaviour.

I assume you got zigbee lights and maybe a usb zigbee stick. I had the issue of all devices reporting random states every hour or so after the upgrade (even downgraded to solve this). Do you notice that too?

Hi @supersjel

In my case is with KNX devices. In any case, since this morning, seems that the issue has been solved, I’ve no experienced the issue today.

About random states I’ve not experienced this issue.