HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

There was an issue with previous builds of OH2. The issue was addressed in a recent build. Have you tried updating to a current nightly?

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To fix issues with widget text update on switches, sensors and others, from the next release custom formatting on item ([something] part) would not be processed. That formatting is not part of items API, therefore there is no good way to get that during update.

Examples (strikethrough config will be ignored):

Frame label=“Bedroom Motion {widget:battery}” {
Text item=Battery_MotionBedroom label=“Test [%.2f %%]”


Number Test_Number “Number [%d %%]”

If anyone has special use cases, please comment.

Yes, I’m on the latest (well, I was yesterday) nightly, so there still seams to be something going on in OH2.

Can someone give me a hand in getting the next 10 google calendar events showing in Rotini?

I’m guessing I need to use the CalDav binding, but my first hurdle is I can’t see quite how to retrieve just events from a certain calendar? I just want to pull down events from the “Family” calendar and not my personal one

Can someone who has this working give me a quick rundown on how they’ve achieved it?

I’m using owncloud calendar sync and works great. The caldav binding wiki is quite good. Iirc the Google Cal depends on the query url. You have to check which url to use.
In case u just use a label instead of a dedicated Cal you might run into problems.

hmmm tried to set these up but im getting a invalid configuration, at least 2 component items are required for this size. Also for the image im just pointing to a image on the web for testing.

Here is the config

sitemap home1 label=“Home1 {rotini:true}”

Frame label="Living Room {widget:room-view}" {
	Image url="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1434394673726-e8232a5903b4?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=1600&h=900&fit=crop&s=d50ed79755e1a1751ae7ba3b0c129272" label="{item:photo}"
	Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness="{item:lights}"
	Switch Item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_temperature="{item:lights}"


Only one item of each type allowed in the widget, since you have “item:lights” twice, the app think that only one item is configured.

can you show an example of the room widget with actual device item names
 i think im confused of what is generic and what needs to be changed. I made a change but im still getting the same error

	Frame label="Living Room {widget:room-view}" {
		Image url="" label="{item:photo}"
		Switch item=Lights label="{item:lights}"
		Switch item=Switch_TV label="{item:switch,icon:tv}"
		Text {
			Frame label="Lights {widget:light-switch}" {
				Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness
			Frame label="Home Theater {widget:scene}" {
				Selection item=harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity mappings=[
					"TV"="TV {icon:tv}",

@antasp3136 are items specified in switches valid names (Lights, Switch_TV)? Can you show your item config for those?

Working config example:

Frame label="Living Room {widget:room-view}" {
      Image url="http://cdn.home-designing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/glass-wall.jpeg" label="{item:photo}"
      Switch item=Test_Switch_Lights label="{item:lights}"
      Switch item=Test_Switch_Fan label="{item:fan}"
      Switch item=Test_Switch_TV label="{item:switch,icon:tv}"
      Text item=Test_Contact label="{item:motion}"
      Text item=Weather_Home_Temperature label="{item:temperature}"

these are all my items
 just starting out so im trying to learn all this
 this is the output from the cli

openhab> items
lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness (Type=DimmerItem, State=0, Label=null, Category=null, Tags=[Lighting])
lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_temperature (Type=DimmerItem, State=0, Label=null, Category=null)
ntp_ntp_local_dateTime (Type=DateTimeItem, State=2016-09-26T12:49:58.274-0400, Label=Date, Category=Date)
ntp_ntp_local_string (Type=StringItem, State=2016-09-26 12:49:58 EDT, Label=Date, Category=Date)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874054_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity (Type=StringItem, State=PowerOff, Label=Current Activity, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874055_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874056_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874057_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874058_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874059_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874060_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874061_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
harmonyhub_device_LivingRoom_37874062_buttonPress (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Button Press, Category=null)
PlexTVStatus (Type=StringItem, State=Paused, Label=Status, Category=video)
Bedroom (Type=SwitchItem, State=NULL, Label=Bedroom, Category=null)

So I don’t see neither Lights nor Switch_TV items in that list.
” parameters in sitemap for switches should reference an existing item for UI to recognize it.

Hmm Ok so i got it working with the light
 but when i setup the item harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity it breaks

here is the config

Frame label=“Bedroom {widget:room-view}” {
Image url=“http://cdn.home-designing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/glass-wall.jpeg” label="{item:photo}“
Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness label=”{item:lights}“
Switch item=harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity label=”{item:switch,icon:tv}"
Text {
Frame label=“Lights {widget:light-switch}” {
Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness

Frame label="Home Theater {widget:scene}" {
  Selection item=harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity mappings=[
    "TV"="WatchTV {icon:tv}",
    "PowerOff"="PowerOFF {icon:switch}",


That’s because harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity is a String item, while it should be a Switch.
In documentation, it always says what kind of items are supported for widget item.

so in this example

Frame label="Home Theater {widget:scene}" {
  Selection item=Harmony_Activity mappings=[
    "TV"="TV {icon:tv}",
    "Blu-ray Player"="Blu-ray {icon:playstation}",
    "PowerOff"="OFF {icon:switch}",
    "Nexus"="Nexus {icon:gamepad}",
    "Chromecast"="Chromecast {icon:cast}"

Harmony_Activity is actually a switch?

Not exactly, it is still a String it just can have multiple states and accept commands, so it is like a selector. While Switch needs only two states ON/OFF, which generic String item does not provide.

ok so you may or may not be able to answer this
 my “Harmony_Activity” item is harmonyhub_hub_LivingRoom_currentActivity what should I do that generix string item work with this?

You could create another Switch item (something like Switch_TV) and a rule that post Harmony commands based on switch command: PowerOff or TV (something), and another rule that updates Switch_TV when Harmony activity changes.

This is actually something I was looking of improving to allow generic items to be used in UI switches, but there is nothing concrete yet.

Hmm so i create a switch item in openhab
 and called it Harmony_Activity and change the config to what is listed below
 but now im getting a error that says “Either selection or at least a couple of switch items is required”

Frame label=“Bedroom {widget:room-view}” {
Image url=“http://cdn.home-designing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/glass-wall.jpeg” label="{item:photo}“
Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness label=”{item:lights}“
Switch item=Harmony_Actvity label=”{item:switch,icon:tv}"
Text {
Frame label=“Lights {widget:light-switch}” {
Switch item=lifx_whitelight_D073D5100CD1_brightness

Frame label="Home Theater {widget:scene}" {
  Selection item=Harmony_Actvity mappings=[
    "PowerOff"="PowerOff {icon:switch}",

If Harmony_Actvity is a Switch: 1. it would not have PowerOff and 2. scene widget does require at least two states to work
I would think you should Harmony_Actvity switch in room-view switch, and then Scene widget, use previous Harmony activity String item, with PowerOff, TV and other mappings defined.

I think
 you lost me lol
 still dont quite understand what you mean. So for the first part the Harmony_Activity switch is fine?.. its the second part the widget:scene that i need a different switch or a string item?