HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

an iOS version would be fantastic - very happy to pay for something prettier and less buggy than the official app…

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I have the same problem. How does this work?

Well. Why not simply using a fullscreen browser and HABPanel? HABPanel is one of the official ui’s and much more flexible from my point of view. And most important, it’s open and community driven :wink:

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good question - unfortunately iOS doesn’t save basic authentication passwords. One of the main advantages of the app is that it saves you having to login each time…

Do you need authentication when accessing the rest API of OpenHab in your local network? (That’s the main use case of a dashboard UI like rotini or habpanel)

not on the local network, but would be nice to use it externally too…

@LarsK In my view, in addition to some limitations of web apps in comparison to native, this app has slightly different user group from HABPanel. There are users that want completely flexibility and don’t mind spend time by tinkering with CSS/HTML. Then, there are others who want some degree of flexibility but as more packaged solution that doesn’t require such time investment.

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Yes I would agree that HABPanel is for a slightly different audience and from what I’ve seen you need to do some web coding to get things looking half decent.

From all the screenshots I’ve seen there are not many that have a nice uniform look and feel throughout. I must say that this is one aspect of Rotini that I really like… It has a nice uniform UI across all widgets.

Personally I feel there is enough room for these two and a few more other alternatives…

@igor any chance of an update on where things are headed?

I have a question regarding the camera widgets (both video and snapshots):
Does anybody know whether the video streaming or image grabbing (downloading) happen only while the widget is active (i.e. on the current page) or all the time (even when the page with the widget isn’t shown)?

I use multiple pages and don’t need the streaming all the time, just while the page i put the widget on is active.

I’m 90% sure it only refreshes the images of the active tab. I saw this when my default tab had some of my security cameras… The tablet on the wall would show about 10GB of wifi data per day.

Widget considered active when it is on current tab or on any direct neighbor of the current tab (one tab to the left/right).

Yes, I was planning to post an update with upcoming details soon. Stay tuned for a little bit more :slight_smile:

Hey @igor:
Maybe you can reconsider your planned licensing again?
I would really love to use Rotini in the future but for me it is not possible to use a per device license.
Would it be possible to use server licensing so that all devices that connect to an OH-Server can use the Software?
I would really apreciate this since I sometimes have guests over which I want to give control to my automation.

@Spaceman_Spiff when you say guests, do you mean someone as a visitor or something like house-sharing, airbnb-like renter?

I mean friends and or relatives who stay over and want to control stuff in their room.

The application licensing cannot be tied to OpenHAB server because the server is not connected to the cloud, like some others, and cannot be uniquely identified to licensing purposes. It is even more complicated that guests would be using their own Google account to install the app.
There might be a way to accomplish that through temporary license sharing, there you would share previously acquired and currently unused licenses with guests. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in. This is just an idea though and its viability will need to be evaluated at later time.

Every openHAB installation creates a uniqe UUID, which is already used by myopenhab for identification. You could make use of it too.

Yes, but I assume that it can be modified, being open source, so it might not be reliable for licensing purposes. That said, I’m not familiar with how myopenhab uses it for authentication.

It is used to sign up to the service so the UID for all myopenhab users are unique.
Maybe just sign the UID with some private key and use this as a license?
This should ensure (with high probability but not certainty) that the license is bound to only one server.