HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

@TommySharp In that case, can you try to reset password during login, it will send another email with a link. Sorry about the confusion.

Forgot to reply to you, after new posts appeared, sorry.

There were no changes since original announcement from the last year with regards to my thoughts about the pricing. Further details about it will be announced with the main release in the near future.

While striving to provide great value to the users of the app, I understand that there different needs and requirements. So I want to recommend, to anyone, to also checkout the community supported HABPanel.

I would like everyone who wishes to try the early access version to get the first taste of the product.
While highly appreciated, there are no requirement for any formal testing or bug reporting when you use this version.

Preview 15 release for the new version has experimental text-based configuration support for OpenHAB.

Hi Igor,

Is the app still available?


Yes, you need to join the new community and then install it through the Play Store.

Happy to announce that Preview 18 release for the new version now has phone support!

I have same problem:
Unable to verify the server certificate

In Openhab app there is options "ignore ssl cerificate and ā€œignore ssl hostnameā€, when I enable them app works fine.

I dont have cert for my hostname, so any idea how to make it work with Rotini ?

@sherif what app version do you have? also, are you trying to make local network connection?

App is 0.26.140, so the newest, but problem appeared in prev version as well.
In local connection I donā€™t use https so it works.

@sherif there is no more support for legacy version, but even in that version self-signed certificates are supported as long as certificate itself is valid. It seems like you said that certificate is for different hostname? Can you provide more details on that?

Hi @igor, Could you please approve me, I just signed up in the new community. If I had the first version installed on a tablet (last year) do I have to delete it and download it again from the play store?

It would be great to also get approval for the new community :slight_smile:

@ewgor/@darkcheater both of your accounts have been approved

No, the new version can be installed side by side with the legacy version. You would need to opt-in through the Play Store again for the new version. There is a link available in the community.

Thatā€™s look rally good. Iā€™m new to openhab and Iā€™m very interested in this?

@mistrovly Iā€™m glad you like the app. It is currently available in beta, so you will need to join the community and then install the app through the Play Store.

How can I get this project?

@mggrando Please join the community. There are steps to opt-in and install the app in the welcome post.

Project Rotini is in Public Beta

The application has reached the public beta milestone. Now anyone can install the app through the Play Store without needing to register in the community first.
Beta 1 version is going to be available in the Play Store shortly. This version is feature-equivalent to recently released Preview 25 version.

Starter Mode for new users and your guests

Starter Mode is a new default mode for the application, which doesnā€™t require a license. You will find all the same features with a few limits such as number of dashboard screens or platforms available.
Starter Mode will help new users that just starting their journey in home automation - you can use the app without the need to buy a license. In the future, it will also expand into guest friendly platform that allows your visitors to control your home.

Trial license usage

In Beta 1 version, after you reached a starter limit, you will be able to get a free trial license for that device to fully utilize the application. In the near future, after an official announcement, free trial users would need to purchase a regular license to continue to use the full version of the app.

New site for text-based configuration docs is available now at https://docs.projectrotini.com.

It has improvements over previously available docs, including list of supported icons and units.
Even more improvements are coming later.

Can you explain the limits for the free starter version?

How many dashboards can you make with this? Which limits are there? Only dashboards or are there some more limits?

IĀ“m on android.

So if i want to use your app around my house, maybe i can use the free licences for most of the rooms and only use a full version for the living room? But this depends on the limits. When they are to strict, it is no option for me to buy 10 licencesā€¦