Just a minor issue. I have the following sitemap code to display the price development of fuel for a day, a week and two weeks:
Frame label= "Spritpreis" {
Text item=E5_1 label="HEM Irxleben, aktuell: [%.3f €]" icon="piggybank"
Switch item=Chart_Zeitraum_2 label="Super" mappings=[1="Tag", 2="Woche", 3="2 Wochen"]
Chart item=E5_1 refresh=10000 period=D service="rrd4j" visibility=[Chart_Zeitraum_2==1, Chart_Zeitraum_2=="Uninitialized"] legend=true
Chart item=E5_1 refresh=10000 period=W service="rrd4j" visibility=[Chart_Zeitraum_2==2] legend=true
Chart item=E5_1 refresh=10000 period=2W service="rrd4j" visibility=[Chart_Zeitraum_2==3] legend=true
Code works properly in Baic UI (smartphone) and VSC. In VSC it appears like expected, but at the smartphone there appears the current value of the switching item “Chart_Zeitraum_2” between label “Super” and the select buttons.
Not really a problem, but I wonder what can be the reason.