digitalStrom Binding: Error and missing channels

I’m trying to setup digitalStrom (dS) binding enabling OH 2.1 to access devices controlled by digitalStrom bus.

Issue: dS server thing turns offline
I’m using default values for all configuration items. The dS server thing turns immediate online and all dS things appears in the inbox. After adding these things (light, rollershutter) I’m able to control all of them.

Unfortunatelly dS Server thing turns and remains offline from time to time (after some hours or days). The following record can be found in log file:

'digitalstrom:dssBridge:302ed89f43f02ba000010***' changed from ONLINE (CONFIGURATION_PENDING): Checking configuration... to OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): 
The field "Sensor update interval", "Total power update interval", "Wait time sensor reading" and "Days to be slaked trash bin devices" have to be a number.

This error messsage is misleading because all fields are filled with default values. After opening the dS server thing and saving the unchanged configuration the the dS server thing turns online…

Has anybody made similar observations? Any remedies?

Available channels for lights
Contrary to the description in the binding documentation I can see only “brighness” channel. Why are all other channels (lightSwitch, activePower, …) not available? BTW:The “Show More” button is not available in Paper UI :wink:

Thank you very much in advance!

I am using the digitalSTROM Binding from it’s beginning and never faced an issue with oh2 that the DSS gone offline.
This seems to me to be a network issue. What I did see though was your issue with the misleading error message which should be solved with the upcoming version.

According to your missing channels, please check your thing properties, as these channels will only be available, when your sensor setup for the thins is at least set to low. Setting to never will disable the additional channels.

Thank you! I can see now the missing channels.
Is there anywhere a dS forum providing announcements?

For what kind of announcements ??

I was just wondering from where you got this information.

I am testing the new version as I am in contact with the developers …

Unfortunately I’m still facing the issue that the binding goes offline and remains offline.

'digitalstrom:dssBridge:302ed89f43f02ba000010***' changed from ONLINE (CONFIGURATION_PENDING): Checking configuration... to OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): 
The field "Sensor update interval", "Total power update interval", "Wait time sensor reading" and "Days to be slaked trash bin devices" have to be a number.

You mentioned that there will be a new version of the binding. Is there any progress? Would it be possible to provide the version you are testing right now?

I switched now from the configuration in PaperUI to a dedicated thing file:

Bridge digitalstrom:dssBridge:dssBridge1 [ ipAddress="dss.local.",  userName="dssadmin", password=“dssadmin", sensorDataUpdateIntervall="180"]

So far everything is going well!