Dimm the light during nighttime


I’d like to dimm my lights in the bathroom automatically during nighttime. I have never worked before with rules, so I’m a bit stuck here.

What my rule looks like:

rule "Bathroom_Dimm_Nighttime"
  Item Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed from OFF to ON
  logDebug("bathroom", "Bathroom light turned on")
  var int nightTimeStart = 2300
  var int nightTimeEnd = 0530
  var int now = now.getHourOfDay * 100 + now.getMinuteOfHour
  if (now >= nightTimeStart || now <= nightTimeEnd) {
    logDebug("bathroom", "nighttime")
    Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness.sendCommand(new PercentType('33'))
  } else {
    logDebug("bathroom", "daytime")
    Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness.sendCommand(new PercentType('100'))

I just placed the rule in /etc/openhab2/rules/bathroom.timed.rules. Do I have to activate it somewhere? The openhab log says: [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'bathroom.timed.rules', so I think it is loaded and does not contain an error.
I’m a bit confused, because neither the light is dimmed nor a log output is created by the rule.
What am I doing wrong?

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: RPi 3
    • OS: raspbian/debian stretch
    • Java Runtime Environment: which java platform is used and what version
    • openHAB version: 2.4.0

You are using the keyworrd now as a variable name
Don’t use int

Also, have a look at: [Deprecated] Design Pattern: Time Of Day

I changed it, thanks.

The rule is now:

rule "Bathroom_Dimm_Night"
  Item Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed from OFF to ON
  logDebug("bathroom", "Bathroom light turned on")
  var nightTimeStart = 2300
  var nightTimeEnd = 0530
  var currentTime = now.getHourOfDay * 100 + now.getMinuteOfHour
  if (currentTime >= nightTimeStart || currentTime <= nightTimeEnd) {
    logDebug("bathroom", "nighttime")
    Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness.sendCommand(new PercentType('33'))
  } else {
    logDebug("bathroom", "daytime")
    Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness.sendCommand(new PercentType('100'))

I know that the rule does not change the brightness now, but i think it should log something. I switched the lights on and off but there is no log output. Why?

11:13:59.697 [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model ‘bathroom.timed.rules’
11:14:55.030 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed from 0 to 100
11:15:00.759 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed from 100 to 0

Look at the difference between your rule trigger and your log

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Do you mean that my trigger is ON/OFF and the log says it changed from 0 to 100?
I took ON/OFF for some kind of placeholder for 0/1 (if there’s no dimmer) and 0/1-100 (if theres a dimmer).

How can I rewrite that? Since the light might not always be 100.

Is something like changed 0 to x possible?

No, you’ll need to put the conditional in the body of the rule. Something like this could work…

rule "Bathroom_Dimm_Night"
  Item Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed
    if (triggeringItem.state > 0) {

This will work, but it’s a little easier to just use…

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Thanks. It works now.

Only thing wich does not work: Logging something.

rule "Bathroom_Dimm_Night"
  Item Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed
  if (triggeringItem.state > 0) {
    logInfo("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Bathroom light turned on")
    var nightTimeStart = 2300
    var nightTimeEnd = 0530
    var currentTime = now.getHourOfDay * 100 + now.getMinuteOfHour
    if (currentTime >= nightTimeStart || currentTime <= nightTimeEnd) {
      logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "nighttime")
    } else {
      logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "daytime")

I’m monitoring the logs with log:tail after connecting to openhab with ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost . Is that correct?

Is it possible to check which state the Item was before the change? Because now the brightness is fixed to either 0 when off and 33 or 100 when on. I can’t change it manually, because every change is intercepted by the rule and overruled :smiley: .
So, I’d like to check if the state was 0/off and change it to 33/100, then. But if the light is already on I’d like to do nothing in order to be able to set any value between 1 and 100 - if that is possible.

Do the logInfo come through, but not the logDebug? If so, you’ll need to set the log level…

log:set DEBUG org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script

Thanks. That was the problem.

Found also previousState, which gives me a solution for manually changing the brightness. Here is the working example:

val nightTimeStart = 2300
val nightTimeEnd = 0530
val currentTime = now.getHourOfDay * 100 + now.getMinuteOfHour

val nighttimeBrightness = '25'
val daytimeBrightness = '100'

rule "Bathroom_Dimm_Night"
  Item Light_GF_Bathroom_CeilingLights_MainLight_Brightness changed

  logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Bathroom light brightness changed")
  logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Previous brightness:" + previousState)

  if (triggeringItem.state > 0 && previousState ==0) {

    logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Bathroom light turned on")

    if (currentTime >= nightTimeStart || currentTime <= nightTimeEnd) {
      logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Dimm bathroom light because it is nighttime")
    } else {
      logDebug("Bathroom_Dimm_Night", "Set bathroom light brightness to 100 because it is daytime")


As Vincent suggested, it may be helpful for you to look into using Time of Day. If you use the new rule engine, I’ve built a full solution for automating lighting and other things. Once setup, you just adjust metadata and group membership… no more coding of rules.

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in oh3 i get an error:

The field Tmp_licht_dimmen_testRules.currentTime refers to the missing type Object

do you have a working version for oh3?