Disable/Enable Thing with Rule (The name 'Java' cannot be resolved to an item or type)


i try to start and stop things via item.
I use OH 4.3.1.

rule "reboot ebus Thing"
	Item restartEBUS_THING changed
	var ThingUID = Java.type('org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID');
	if(restartEBUS_THING.state == ON){	
		thingMgr.setEnabled(new ThingUID('androiddebugbridge:android:1e12b02f269d'), false);

		thingMgr.setEnabled(new ThingUID('androiddebugbridge:android:1e12b02f269d'), true);

But when i try to execute i got this errormessage.

failed: The name 'Java' cannot be resolved to an item or type;

Do you know maybe why?

thank you but do you also know how to use it in *.rule file without Blockly or JS Scripting?

As said in the thread, you can’t use DSL rules for that.


That’s not DSL, or is it?

It’s for Javascript.

No, but I found (a long time ago) a solution through the REST api in this forum:


var headers = new java.util.HashMap()
headers.put("Authorization", "Bearer " + "oh.restapi.mbE6fCExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
sendHttpPutRequest("", "text/plain", 'true', headers, 5000)


var headers = new java.util.HashMap()
headers.put("Authorization", "Bearer " + "oh.restapi.mbE6fCExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
sendHttpPutRequest("", "text/plain", 'false', headers, 5000)
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