Disconnected from the openHAB Cloud service

To answer some of the questions above:

  • If your log shows your server repeatedly trying to connect to myopenhab and you haven’t made any changes, you can assume the server is down.
  • Outages don’t always show up on status.openhab.org. Sometimes, the issues are in between the myopenhab server and individual OH servers. This means that the server is up, but we can’t reach it.
  • Anything that’s reliant upon myopenhab (Alexa, Google Assistant, mobile apps, etc.) will not work until myopenhab is back online.
  • The community is the correct place to report an outage.

Should I make changes to my server?

No. Do not make changes to your system to try and get it to reconnect, as that may cause you additional problems. Just leave it alone. If it was working before, it will eventually start working again.

How do I report an outage?

If you see a lot of disconnect/connect reports in your log and believe myopenhab is down, do the following:

  1. Look for a banner like this one at the top of every page in the community.

If you see the banner, there’s nothing more you need to do. Someone’s already trying to fix the problem.

If you don’t see a banner:

  1. Check the community to see if anyone else has reported the outage today.
  2. Check status.openhab.org.
  3. If no one else has posted, then start a new post and tag it as “Apps & Services | openHAB Cloud”.
  4. Tag @digitaldan in your post so that he’ll be notified.

If someone has already started a thread, please don’t start another one (we don’t want to spam Dan with notifications). And if Dan has already posted that he’s looking into it, please don’t ask when it will be back up. He’ll always let us know as soon as it’s working again.

There’s also no need to add “same thing for me” posts, since everyone will be affected. If you want to get notifications, you can change your monitoring status to “Watching”.


Adding more comments notifies everyone who previously posted, and they’ll keep relentlessly checking in the hope that the issue has been fixed. Let’s save ourselves the stress. :wink:

How do I reconnect?

After myopenhab is back up, it can sometimes take a few hours for everyone to reconnect (because we’re all trying to connect at the same time). Please be patient while myopenhab catches up.

I’ve personally found that my server will always reconnect on its own. Sometimes, people have to restart the cloud connector to get that to happen.

  1. In Main UI, click on “openHAB Cloud”
  2. Don’t change any settings. Just click the “Save” button at the top right. This will stop and restart the connector, and you’ll see it in your log.

There’s no need to restart the connector if your log shows that your server is still trying to connect on its own. If that’s the case, there’s still too much traffic overwhelming myopenhab.