I measure an electrical power value using a Shelly 3EM device every 30 seconds and I can display this value in a chart.
Additionally, I calculate the avergae value over hour with a rule.This average value is available past the 1 hour period of the measurement values.
When both, the measured value and the average value are displayed in one diagramm, the average value is obviously delayed by 1 hour.
Is it somehow possible, the shift the chart of the average value to the past by 1 hour?
Thank you for your answer!
I tried a few differnt settings and I think that also the code is very similar to the reference topic, but the charts are only trunkated but not shifted.
Did I oversee something?
For my example, comparing values of different days works, if chartType is “chartType: day” and “offsetAmount: 1” with “offsetUnit: day”.
Then the values of today and yesterday are shown.
If I have a dynamic chart type, it does not work.
But how should I configure my chart if I want to have two graphs, one delayed by one hour?