After a year of lurking i’m finally getting started with openHAB on openHABian. In short; long time listener, first time caller.
In my planning I got to look at my door telephone, and wondered if I could replace it with a raspberry pi with a touchscreen in a classy touchscreen/pi case, running a functional HABmin interface.
This would make it possible to get announcements over TTS when someone is at the door, unlock the apartment door automatically when i’m unlocking the outside door, making the apartments other functionality accessible to guests etc.
The current door phone is a aging Siedle model connected to the outside door in the apartment complex and the doorbell to my apartment. When a button is pressed from the outside I can unlock the outside door and have a intercom function.
I’m unsure about how to get the door phone functionality running.
Is it a matter of connecting the right wires to the Pi’s GPIO´s pins, or might it be more complicated then that? What are peoples experiences with door phones?