I tried to make the first steps with the openhab-cloud docker image. After install (I use portainer) I’m not able to access the web-UI. If I start the container the bridged IP will be reset after some seconds. Further I don’t find any document about what to do and which settings are necessary. I found the folder “/opt/openhabcloud” but all files are not part of any of the hints in threads which I found. Is there anybody who has setup it or has an idea where I can find a doc which helps ?
Portainer isn’t really an officially supported method of running OH. But it should work. But, same as @Cplant’s config shows and the docs indicate, you need to use host networking. If you try to do port mapping you’ll have a hard time.
@Cplant you have create a really very cool documentation.
Openhab is not the problem, this works really good but now I tried to setup the openhab-cloud-instance. Here a container is on docker avalable. But I miss a documentation about the necessary settings like for openhab.
Normally I would expect for example that the ports can be defined by variables or other necessary settings. Here nothing. I found some hints for the config file but this file I can’t find. I map the folder /opt/openhabcloud and see the files but I can’t found config.json.template which is part of the documentation into the guthub package. Also node doesn’t work and is not part of the services. So I’m not sure what this dockerpackage included and how it works. It’s a official openhab foundation release so I guess something is wrong from my end.
Thanks, but I know the documentation. The next point refers to the file “config.json.template” which I cannot find in the provided image/container.
For me it is more a question of feasibility and possibly independence from the provided cloud, which I have been using for years. Reverse proxy is certainly a solution but I cannot estimate what functional limitations this means, e.g. in the app. The question is then why the Foundation goes to the trouble of providing its own Openhab cloud when it is “easy” to do it via a reverse proxy. I cannot judge that, I am not familiar enough with the topic. It was just an idea to try it out
It means you need to use something like telegram for notifications. I also
That’s about it.
Because most users of OH lack the knowledge and the skill to expose their LAN to the Internet. So we provide the cloud server. For those who think they have that skill, of course they can deploy the cloud server, but that’s going to be way more work, super heavy weight, and provide minimal additional features to just using a reverse proxy. The OH docs also has instructions for ngnx and Apache reverse proxy configurations.
It’s not in the container. It’s used by docker-compose to configure the container.