Docker OH3 - Persistence Install fail

I try to install OH3 with a Docker.
I use this steps: OpenHAB 3 Docker Installation – Wiki

so far so good, everything works so far.
Now I wanted to install the Influx Persistent.

Unfortunately I get the following error message.

2022-02-23 16:13:40.045 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-persistence-influxdb’: Permission denied

how can that be? Does anyone have any ideas? I would be pleased,
Thanks to you…


I would guess that the folders you created and mounted as volumes do not have permissions that allow the openhab user inside the container to create and modify files.

I think that is not the Problem…
Other data ,like the logs or the karaf folder are up to date…

… and i can Install Other addons without Problems…

i have resolve it by myself… I have all file in folder data_openhab_userdata deleted, after a restart it is ok…
why ever, it is now ok…