I am very impressed by what a very good job the OH team has done and the OH platform! My great respect to the people involved in this project - I bow my head - respect!
Thank you also for having support on the forum from many people, but I know I can always count on @rlkoshak - the next one my respect for your knowledge and time.
I don’t want to be just “a parasite” and try to contribute to the forum, but I would like to symbolically support the project in some way. At least a few $$$ within my modest capabilities.
But it is very difficult to find the information - how I can support even a few $$ for coffee your hard work.
Please provide a link, BLIK, or any other method where I could send a few dollars or put a coffee.
To support the openHAB Foundation which pays for the hosting of this forum, it’s what keeps the myopenhab.org service free, and helps with outreach type activities (e.g. sponsored booths at conventions) see Donate | openHAB. You can find this link above under “About” at the top right.
Many on the forum will have a link in their profile with ways to tip or send donations (e.g. Paypal links). Click on the user’s icon and you should see what’s in their profile. Also you can always send a DM and figure out what works that way.
I knew you could always be counted on! Thank you for your reply and all your support!
Donate information - should be more exposed on OH - not pushy, but subtle and specific. But must be, becuse you are doing very good job!
I guess the core-team of OH is located in USA. But OH is used by the whole world! In the US, you have some “old” payment methods unfortunately - so your support may be greater if you open up to other payment methods. PPal and other methods where user need to put credit card number are classified as “risky” in Europe. We prefer to pay by authorized “fast bank transfers” or via BLIK (BLIK is very popular in EU). EU - is afraid to give card numbers in services (I don’t know about other countries).
ZThe current interface (to enter the amount of donate) is not intuitive - another element influencing that (in my opinion), OH could develop more dynamically with the support of users.
Donate has been sent - Modestly, because modestly, because only 50€, because that is what my modest financial resources can allow me, but I very much appreciate very much your work.
No, the bulk of contributors, most of the board members, and the openHAB Foundation itself is incorporated in Germany. Note, if you are in Germany your donation is tax deductable.
I have no insight into what the foundation accepts and why they chose what they chose.
Even more so - if the foundation OH is from the EU, it should make available, faster, more convenient means of payment than what is currently available.
With apologies - I don’t give a shit if the donation is tax deductible, because they “cut” citizens on other taxes anyway! What I care about is that the OH community has the means to develop this platform. Sorry for my English but I hope what you mean…
If OH is a “foundation”, it can be register in any EU country.
This way, every taxpayer who settles his or her taxes every year in the EU has the opportunity to donate his or her 1.5% of tax income to a designated foundation.
As OH will be such “a foundation”, I will be very happy to donate my 1.5% of tax every year to such a foundation. You know what I mean…
I don’t know about other countries, but I’m writing based on how it works in Poland.
If you register an entity (then you get a KRS - company registration number), if that entity has “public benefit organization” in its charter, then a taxpayer in Poland (as an individual, not a company) once a year as you settle your taxes can indicate the KRS number to which 1.5% of his tax will be transferred by the government. This could also be the case in OH.
Public benefit organization:
“A public benefit organization may become a non-governmental organization or other entity referred to in the law. It is important that this organization conducts public benefit activities, i.e. activities useful to society (various forms of activities or actions for the benefit of the community, a group of people, etc. e.g. volentaria, cultural and social activities, etc.).
A public benefit organization has the right to carry out activities of an economic nature, but making a profit should not be its main goal, but rather an activity of a secondary nature.”
I think I have to step in as I have been the foundations CFO for a long time and am one of the founding members.
What you describe for Poland is not possible in all EU states, at least not in Germany.
The openHAB Foundation was founded 2016 in Germany by 6 German and one US member as a non profit organisation. This status gives the foundation severals tax excemptions and the ability to collect donations without having to pay taxes on them.
The foundation is registered in Germany and is not going to move, the vast majority of foundation members is based in Germany.
Choosing Paypal for receiving donations was the easiest - i think the only - way to receive donations worlwide when we set this up in 2016. Of course, you can also send money directly from your bank account. You can ask the board to get the IBAN of our account.
It may be worth considering the creation of OH foundation subsidiaries in countries where such opportunities exist. On your hands. I’m just a very happy user who keeps my fingers crossed for the development of the OH platform.
Not really, as it will increase complexity of the foundation structure and needs more manpower. Nowadays it is hard enough to find volunteers to take over action and responsibility.