Dreamehome API for new Dreame Vacuum Robots (not Xiaomi)

Hi Community,

I was looking for a way to integrate my “Dreame D10 Plus Gen 2” Vacuum Robot to Openhab and failed.

After some research in this forum and some further investigation my understanding of the situation is the following:

  • Cooperation between Xiaomi and Dreame is somehow ending, and new Dreame devices are only supported by Dreamehome App and not by Xiaomi app

  • There is no integration of Dreamehome app for openhab yet

  • Dreamehome integration seems to be similar to Xiaomi home but uses different servers
    ( Dreamehome Account Support · Tasshack/dreame-vacuum · Discussion #109 · GitHub)

  • There is a nice firmware that supports Dreame (and more) devices without cloud and direct web api and app (https://valetudo.cloud/) but it breaks the warranty of the vendor, so I do not want to go this way…

So I am stucked here, and I was hoping to open a new discussion about:

  • Is my understanding of the situation correct?
  • What are the options with Openhab and new Dreame Devices today?
  • Is there someone already working on a new Binding for Dreame?

Thanks a lot for your support and feedback!



Brother it’s a Chinese robot. Slap valetudo on it and done even hesitate.

Thanks @Pedro_Liberal

However, switching to Valetudo is for various reasons not my preferred choice (need Dreame app also for another device, don’t have the hardware connector devices for rooting, undo not possible, other persons without openhab use Dreame App too…)

Since someone thought it is worth to integrate Xiaomi to openhab in the past, I was hoping that integrating Dreame is also on someone’s roadmap?



Valetudo looks interessting, but:

  • its a one-way ticket, no return possible
  • no firmware updates for a quite new product possible.

So: one more vote for a Dreame binding.

homeassistant and iobroker solutions are already available.

Hopefully, openHAB will not lag behind…


Humm. It doesn’t have to be either / or.
Get home assistant running, sync the robot to it and expose its capabilities thorough Mqtt or node red in order to allow openHAB to send commands to it.
Use home assistant as an external dreame binding :smiley:

Guess, I have to (as an interim solution).

But it seems to be “using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut” :chestnut: :hammer:

Nah, that would be going with vale-tudo. You’re adding a whole host of new possibilities!

Done. “Lean job”.

  • Install VMM on my Synology DS216+II manually (no longer officially provided)
  • Setup HA vitual machine (my openHAB Pi has only 2GB RAM)
  • install all that necessary HA stuff (HACS, Studio code server, setup mqtt_statestream)

Just half a day later:

Thing mqtt:topic:mosquitto:dreame "MQTT Dreame" (mqtt:broker:mosquitto) {
      Type string :  Dreame_status                        [ stateTopic="homeassistant/vacuum/x40_ultra_complete/status"]
      Type number :  Dreame_Battery    "Dreamxe Battery"  [ stateTopic="homeassistant/vacuum/x40_ultra_complete/battery_level"]
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my vote also for binding de dreame

Also vote for a native binding - would like to avoid another home automation system if possible

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FYI voting doesn’t do anything, all devs are volunteers. So if you’d like to make a binding consider yourselves volunteers! :wink: