DSC alarm problems when migrating from OH3.4.4 to OH4.0.3

My third problem when migrating to OH4.0.3 is DSC alarm binding. I have Envisalink board. I have following error messages in the OH4.0.3 log:

2023-10-01 09:56:53.551 [ERROR] [al.handler.DSCAlarmBaseBridgeHandler] - Not Connected to the DSC Alarm!
2023-10-01 09:56:53.556 [ERROR] [rnal.handler.EnvisalinkBridgeHandler] - read(): IO Exception: Connection reset

I’m still running OH3.4.4 on my Intel NUC under Win11 and OH4.0.3. is installed onto another NUC. DSC alarm binding is working well under OH3.4.4 and I’m using the same parameters for the envisalink Thing in OH4.0.3. I have tried to remove the binding and restarted OH4.0.3 but the Envisalink Thing is still offline. Bundle:list command shows in OH console:

282 │ Active  │  80 │ 4.0.3                  │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: DSCAlarm Binding

Any thoughts?

Try disabling the Envisalink thing on your OH3.4.4 instance. The Envisalink does not seems to like more than one connection at a time. I was able to verify this by having two OH instances try to connect… The second instance generated the same errors in the log as what you posted above.

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OK, great. Many thanks for this info. I’ll try your suggestion later today once I get back home.

This did the trick. Many thanks for your help.