Easee binding

Hey @AlexF,

thank you for the great work!

Currently, i face the following issue:

// easee.items
Number:ElectricCurrent Easee_Charger_Current "Current" (Easee_Wallbox) ["Setpoint"] { channel="easee:charger:home:wallbox:state#dynamicChargerCurrent" [ min="6", max="16" , step="1"] }

// easee.things
Bridge easee:site:home [ username="user", password="secret", siteId="123456", dataPollingInterval=60 ] {
        Thing charger wallbox [ id="EHXXXXXX" ]

This configuration leads to a regularly warning in the log:

2022-10-05 09:03:33.890 [WARN ] [nal.model.GenericResponseTransformer] - caught exception while parsing data for channel state#dynamicChargerCurrent (value '16.0'). Exception: For input string: "16.0"

Is there something I can do about it?