Hello @mikulaos,
I checked the sources and found some bugs. I’ve attached a new version, again as zip file. And here a bit modfied version of your configuration.
"id": "custom-vrc700",
"vendor": "Vaillant",
"label": "Vaillant VRC 700",
"description": "Vaillant weather compensating regulation VRC 700",
"authors": ["Sinisa Mikulandra, mikulandra@inet.hr"],
"identification": ["37 30 30 30 30"],
"templates": [
{"name":"tempv", "template": [
{"name": "_unknown", "type": "bytes", "length": "4"},
{"name": "temp", "type": "float", "label": "%s temperature", "format": "%.1f°C"}
"label": "HWC",
"id": "hwc.setpoint",
"command": "B5 24",
"get": {
"master": [
{"type": "static", "default": "02 00 01 00"},
{"type": "static", "default": "04 00"}
"slave": [
{"type": "template-block", "id":"tempv", "label":"HWC setpoint"}
So you where very close to the correct json file, but your unknown byte
must be bytes
. And you can’t set a name
for a template block. It is not clear for what value the name is, so the given name will be used.
Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OTga5j0VxOlG8avRJsinWq4TGO8ekaX9
I also added two now console commands to make developers live easier.
Reload all json configuration files
smarthome:ebus reload
Update all Things to reflect the changes to the json configuration files.
smarthome:ebus update
Together with the resolve
command you can check all on the console
smarthome:ebus resolve "FF 15 B5 24 06 02 00 01 00 04 00 C2 00 08 03 01 04 00 00 00 44 42 DC 00"
Check and unescape telegram
Original data : FF 15 B5 24 06 02 00 01 00 04 00 C2 00 08 03 01 04 00 00 00 44 42 DC 00
Unescaped data: FF 15 B5 24 06 02 00 01 00 04 00 C2 00 08 03 01 04 00 00 00 44 42 DC 00
Analyse the telegram
FF 15 B5 24 06 02 00 01 00 04 00 C2 00 08 03 01 04 00 00 00 44 42 DC 00
^^--------------------------------------------------------------------- Source address | Type: Master | FF
^^------------------------------------------------------------------ Destination address | Type: Slave | 15
^^ ^^------------------------------------------------------------ Command | | B5 24
^^--------------------------------------------------------- Master Data Length | Length: 6 | 06
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^--------------------------------------- Master Data | | 02 00 01 00 04 00
^^------------------------------------ Master CRC | | C2
^^--------------------------------- Slave ACK | | 00
^^------------------------------ Slave Data Length | Length: 8 | 08
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^------ Slave Data | | 03 01 04 00 00 00 44 42
^^--- Slave CRC | | DC
^^ Master ACK | | 00
Resolve the telegram
Found 1 command method(s) for this telegram.
Values from command 'hwc.setpoint' with method 'GET' from collection 'custom-vrc700'
dummy = 03 01 04 00
temp = 49.0