I’m looking for a solution to debug a new developed binding directly on the device that will run it.
In Eclipse I created a Java Remote Application configuration with
Project: “” // I leave it empty
Connection type: Standard (Socket Attach)
Port: 5005.
OH2 is running in debug mode, with “Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005” message.
I think everything is correct but when I launch debug I obtain always
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
Connection refused: connect
If you run locally - you need to enter localhost/ into host field. If you run remote instance on external device then you need to enter IP address of this machine on which port is getting exposed.
As far I remember debugger port should be exposed to all interfaces. Usually there is small delay when debugging on remote machines which gets bigger with slower network.
I seem to have a similar problem, I am trying to debug a bundle on a BeagleBoneBlack which is connected to my development machine, I try to open a remote debugger session similarly as @antoniolobefaro did:
I ssh into my BeagleBone and start OH2 in debug mode with start_debug.sh before opening a debugging session on Eclipse, but I still get the same error as @antoniolobefaro has:
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
Connection refused: connect