Unfortunately the Ekey binding was not ported from 1.x to 3.x for use with openHAB3, so I just stepped into that void and created a python script, which will listen to the UDP packages from the Ekey CV LAN, combine the MULTI protocol answers into a JSON, and update with via use of REST API an item of openHAB. Then I wrote some short rule for openHAB3, which updates the ekey items in openHAB.
Part of that was, that the “old” Ekey 1.x binding only supports RARE protocol (why that is, I don’t know) and the remoteopenHAB binding did not proof to be that stable from my view (see OH3 remote openHAB doesn't reconnect), so the “have an openHAB2 instance for your 1.x legacy bindings and use remoteopenHAB” didn’t work for me.
- a server, which runs python (2 or 3 doesn’t matter right now), could be your OH3 server of course
- Ekey CV LAN (current URL on ekey.net)
- your openHAB(3/2) REST API
The Python script
Once you run the script, it will listen continously on some UDP packets coming in on your defined UDP port, if found (it assumes, it is in MULTI format, no check for that yet!) it will take the payload, split it in a list, then transform it in a JSON, which it then uploads to your openHAB REST API.
* Version 0.1.0
* By Thomas Binder
* openHAB Community: https://community.openhab.org/u/binderth
import datetime, sys, socket, json, os, re # standard packages
# openHAB REST
OH_HOST = '' # the IP-address of your openHAB server
OH_PORT = '8080' # the port of your openHAB server (default is 8080)
OH_EKEYITEM = 'ekey_JSON' # the item in openHAB, you send the JSON to
UDP_PORT = 51000 # the UDP port you configured in the configuration program of CV LAN (default is 51000)
PAYLOAD_DELIMITER = "_" # the delimiter you configured in the configuration program of CV LAN (default is '_')
EKEY_ATTRIBUTES = ["packettype", "userid", "username", "userstatus", "fingerid", "keyid", "serialfs", "namefs", "action", "inputid", "timestamp"]
print "listening on port: " + str(UDP_PORT)
# creating UDP-Socket
sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind(("", UDP_PORT))
# wait for socket data
while True:
# receiving MULTI coded Ekey payload
EKEY_MULTI, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
EKEY_MULTI = re.sub('[^\u0000-\u007f]', '', EKEY_MULTI)
# current timestamp
TIMESTAMP = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
# split payload into a list and add the current timestamp
# convert list into JSON (and remove all non-ASCII characters)
EKEY_JSON = json.dumps(EKEY_LIST)
print "JSON: ", EKEY_JSON
# Take JSON and update item with openHAB REST
UPDATE_URL = 'http://' + OH_HOST + ':' + OH_PORT + '/rest/items/' + OH_EKEYITEM
CURL_STR = "curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '" + EKEY_JSON + "' '" + UPDATE_URL + "'"
openHAB3 rule
after your “Ekey JSON” item got an update from the script, it will then again split the JSON into parts and update your Ekey Items (as MULTI has 10 attributes, you can have all of them into your openHAB instance plus the timestamp)
- id: "2"
itemName: ekey_JSON
type: core.ItemCommandTrigger
conditions: []
- inputs: {}
id: "1"
type: application/javascript
script: |
var ekey = JSON.parse(items["ekey_JSON"]); # parses the JSON-payload of the item
events.sendCommand("EkeyUserstatus", ekey.userstatus); # the above update all items from the JSON-payload /MULTI
events.sendCommand("EkeyUsername", ekey.username);
events.sendCommand("EkeyUserid", ekey.userid);
events.sendCommand("EkeyNamefs", ekey.namefs);
events.sendCommand("EkeySerialfs", ekey.serialfs);
events.sendCommand("EkeyLastaction", ekey.timestamp);
events.sendCommand("EkeyKeyid", ekey.keyid);
events.sendCommand("EkeyPackettype", ekey.packettype);
events.sendCommand("EkeyInputid", ekey.inputid);
events.sendCommand("EkeyFingerid", ekey.fingerid);
events.sendCommand("EkeyAction", ekey.action);
type: script.ScriptAction
after that, you can do your own rules and stuff with that information.
a bit more “techy”, see