Empty Icon folder but icon shown anyway on BasicUI?

Hi there,
I’m running OpenHab 2.5.1 on a RasPi and since I’ve started to “play” with the BasicUI, I’ve wanted to add some custom icons to the default iconset. But surprisingly the /etc/openhab2/icons/classic is empty and even more surprised by the fact that the classic icons are shown anyway on my BasicUI.
Also, when accessing the BasicUI configuration pane, there’s no section to change between svg or bitmap icons.

What’s wrong with my configuration and how’s possible that icons are shown anyway?


Hi @achimera

the standard iconset is build into the OH-package and not available via the ‘/icons/classic’ folder - so everything is fine. :slight_smile:

And regarding the missing selection between bitmap and vector icons - AFAIK this happens automatically now - so theres no need to decide for one or the other anymore.

Hi @RGroll, oh, thanks! I’ve spent quite a decent amount of time to figure out what was wrong, so now I’m relieved that everything is as by design :slight_smile:

Then, if you don’t mind, why doesn’t a custom svg icon I’ve copied into my '/icons/classic’ show up on BasicUI?

@RGroll nevermind, got it to work :upside_down_face: I had one upper case letter in the icon filename, it was enough to have ALL letters in lower case and now it’s shown!


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