since I switched to openHAB 4.2.0 I have the problem that from time to time nothing is sent by the Enocean binding anymore. I’m using a raspberry pi 4 8GB with an enocean pi.
In normal case the log shows something like that:
[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Enqueue new send request with ESP3 type RADIO_ERP1 without callback
[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Sending data, type RADIO_ERP1, payload A5003C0208FF85B1060001FFFFFFFFFF00
[TRACE] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Sending raw data: 55000A0701EBA5003C0208FF85B1060001FFFFFFFFFF00F6
Sometime, sending is not possible and I can see in the log only this:
[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Enqueue new send request with ESP3 type RADIO_ERP1 without callback
In some rare casses issues come from operating system. I recall that smartmeter binding had issue with linux kernel buffers for serial ports. Can you look at dmesg output when issue occurs. Maybe we will find a trace?