Enocean binding stops sending

Hi guys,

since I switched to openHAB 4.2.0 I have the problem that from time to time nothing is sent by the Enocean binding anymore. I’m using a raspberry pi 4 8GB with an enocean pi.

In normal case the log shows something like that:

[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Enqueue new send request with ESP3 type RADIO_ERP1 without callback
[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Sending data, type RADIO_ERP1, payload A5003C0208FF85B1060001FFFFFFFFFF00
[TRACE] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Sending raw data: 55000A0701EBA5003C0208FF85B1060001FFFFFFFFFF00F6

Sometime, sending is not possible and I can see in the log only this:

[DEBUG] [ernal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Enqueue new send request with ESP3 type RADIO_ERP1 without callback

So, the part “Sending data” is missing.

Does anybody has the same problem? How to fix?


You mean openHAB receives signals, but can’t send signals to e.g. switches?

I’ve encountered the opposite a few times: Beginners guide for implementing Eltako FSR14, FSB14, FUD14 via FGW14 - #77 by ErikDB. A reboot (but probably just a restart of openHAB) makes the binding work again.

Yes, it is similiar but opposite. After restarting openHAB it works again.

Have you find a solution?

No, I haven’t encountered it anymore, since logging on TRACE level in a separate document…

In some rare casses issues come from operating system. I recall that smartmeter binding had issue with linux kernel buffers for serial ports. Can you look at dmesg output when issue occurs. Maybe we will find a trace?