Entso-E binding for Nordpool spot prices

I also recently found this service through AMS reader, and also for a moment considered writing a binding for it. However, for me to use that personally, we would also need to integrate some currency exchange service because prices are in Euro. See this issue I created for discussing these things in general:

Therefore, to start with something simpler, I ended up creating a binding for the Danish service Energi Data Service:

I have the same problem as you regarding how to model future prices. For now I’m providing a JSON channel with this data, so it can be parsed and used by rules/automations. Having 24 channels where each represents an hour seems very much like a work-around. Also it would be quite dynamic - each hour it’s rotated, so one channel will have a different meaning (e.g. 15:00 tomorrow, not 15:00 today, when we are past that point in time).

Having support for persisting future data (forecasts and prices for example) in core would be preferable. Some discussions, proposals and context here:

See also this post:

I know I’m not answering your questions, but I hope adding this additional context can help you.