Ephemeris: Cannot instantiate datasource instance because there is no implementations

Can anybody confirm that running the following rule creates the same error message?


if (actions.Ephemeris.isBankHoliday(0)) console.log("test");

Error Message:

Cannot instantiate datasource instance because there is no implementations

I am on OH 4.3.0M1, Java 21

This error suddenly appeared 2 days ago whereas I haven’t made any changes to the system, though.

I do not get any errors when I run this on OH 4.3 M2. I’m assuming this is JS Scripting.

Ok. Thanks for testing. Even after updating to M2 the error persist.
At least now I know it‘s got to do with my own system.

Got this error after updating from 4.1 fo 4.2.2. Suddenly can’t use any Ephemeris functions in JavaScript rules anymore :frowning:

EDIT: It seems to be related to the functions that can take a custom database (e.g. isBankHoliday). isWeekend for example is working.

After several restarts I was debugging the issue today and discovered that the configurationService in Jollyday was empty. So I restarted OpenHAB again to debug the initial loading of the services and… the error has vanished into thin air.

I appear to have this exact problem (on openHAB 4.3.2 Release Build). isBankHoliday is gives the error and isWeekend is working. However, I have restarted several times but in my case the problem remains. On 4.1 I did not have the problem. I skipped 4.2. I don’t think I have the skills to debug this myself.