eQ-3 thermostat with OpenHAB Smart Home

Well I am not sure if this can help, but I am interested in EQ3 valves too.
I am quite new to openHAB and IOT, so may be you have evaluated other solutions and discarded them.

I have opted for using a ESP32 device with tasmota BLE firmware as gateway to interact with the valves.

TASMOTA publishes valve state as MQTT topics.

You change a valu (temp setpoint for example) you use a cnmd topic like cmnd/<TASMOTADEV>/EQ3/<VALVEMADADDR>/settemp <tempval> and it returns a json message with a response that tells you if it was successfull and all other status values of the valve (opening, if it is in auto or manual mode, etc). For extracting the desired value you have to use JSONPATH.

My tests were successful, you can set or get values from the valve, even if it is not the usual way with other devices.

You don’t have to deal with external shell scripts, php scripts or whatever. It is quite simple to use.
Of course yo need MQTT working and a MQTT borker.

I have tried setting up EQ3s on openhab dashboard without success so far.
Maybe it’s sufficient to point me to a tutorial. I was just not able to find something appropriate yet.

I have managed to set up the binding and my thing (eq3) will be discovered. But I don’t understand how to go from there. I have to give a command for the thing. So do I put in here only the first half (./eq3.exp MAC-address)? And where do I put the actual command, e.g. comfort eco?

I have successfully completed some testing with ./eq3.exp in the terminal. So I know I can connect to the BT thermostats and they respond correctly.