Openhab 4.1.2, IOS Sitemap.
Dear Friends, since last few days the red popup apears time to time in my Iphone OH.
The message:
“Response status code was unaccetable. 504”
Openhab 4.1.2, IOS Sitemap.
Dear Friends, since last few days the red popup apears time to time in my Iphone OH.
The message:
“Response status code was unaccetable. 504”
Hi @Tomasz_W, I have the same error. And no idea how to solve.
@digitaldan Dear Dan, I have raed several posts - this issue happend in the past. Is that a myopenhab server problem?
I don’t know, it would help to know a whole lot more about your environment. Is this inside your network or outside? Does it work inside vs outside. If this is using myopenhab when outside, can you confirm your system is connected and accessible by using in a browser. In general a 504 means a downstream proxy is not working, which could be that your openHAB is not connection to the cloud service, but i have also seen this for users using their own web servers / proxy servers (like nginx, traffik or caddy) , so its hard to know without more info about your setup.
@digitaldan I use Raspberry Pi 4 +OH 4.1.2 server. I thing it uses Openhab Cloud Connector. I use relatively large number of items 750. But this is not the case - the problem is also with the sitemap having 2 items.
I connect with the Iphone through
Actually everything works fine. I can connect to the dashboard from It is only problem with Iphone App. Actually it connects to everything, but time to time popup with timeout error appears. After this the items do not update until I manually refresh the page. After the page refresh the error apears again.
03:34:26.365 [TRACE] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Socket.IO Packet: EVENT (2)
03:34:26.366 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): cancel
03:34:26.367 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Received cancel for request 777965
03:34:26.369 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onComplete: 777965
03:34:26.370 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty request 777965 failed: null
03:34:26.371 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Response Failure: null
03:34:26.372 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Finished responding to request 777965
03:34:26.605 [TRACE] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Socket.IO Packet: EVENT (2)
03:34:26.606 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
03:34:26.607 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 777973
03:34:26.608 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /rest/sitemaps/uicomponents_iPhone_DOM/0301
03:34:26.609 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method GET
03:34:26.610 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {“x-atmosphere-framework”:“1.0”,“x-atmosphere-transport”:“long-polling”,“accept-language”:“pl-PL,pl;q=0.9”,“x-atmosphere-tracking-id”:“”,“host”:“”,“accept-encoding”:“gzip, deflate, br”,“user-agent”:“openhab-cloud/0.0.1”,“accept”:“/”}
03:34:26.611 [TRACE] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Body
03:34:26.611 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query {}
03:34:26.612 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is GET
03:34:26.613 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header x-atmosphere-framework = 1.0
03:34:26.614 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header x-atmosphere-transport = long-polling
03:34:26.615 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = pl-PL,pl;q=0.9
03:34:26.616 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header x-atmosphere-tracking-id =
03:34:26.617 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
03:34:26.617 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
03:34:26.618 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
03:34:26.619 [DEBUG] [.io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = /
I know you are busy and appreciate your huge effort. So, is there any way I can check the connections myself. I remeber that some time ago it was a problem with Notifications and it was only for a part of users located at the specific server.
Hi @digitaldan, thank you for your interest in our problem. The problem only occurs in the iOS app. It doesn’t matter whether I’m on the local network or on the Internet. Everything is fine via the browser. I have version 4.3.0.M4 installed and the binding MyOpenhab Cloud Connector. I use basic UI. The good or strange news is: As of today, the error can no longer be reproduced.
Gruß Torsten
@digitaldan In my case the problem exists. From PC (www) when doing this: it works ok. It also works fine on my IPhone when this link is opened by Chrome. The only problem is From the Iphone App when displaing sitemap or Basicui it shows Error 504. For the Basicui I am getting message at the bottom - “Offline: waiting for connection to become available”. It apears for the moment and then everything updatig correctly. Maybe I can somehow increase timeout for the connection?
@digitaldan, @Tomasz_W, I have to correct myself. The error occurs on the Internet. I have no errors in the local network.
Hi everyone,
I’m facing the same issue as described in this thread. When I try to access OpenHAB remotely via the iOS app (through, I get a 504 Gateway Timeout error. However, when I use the Android app, remote access works fine.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Can you try testing again today? I extended our timeout threshold on the cloud service load balancers and want to see if that helps a little.
@digitaldan You are great. It solved the problem in my case. No more timeout messages. Many thanks!!!
Yes solved the problem Thank you!
Hi @digitaldan, the error is solved for me. Thank you very much.
Dear @digitaldan just to be sure, did you change something with timeout recently? Another error time to time appear → URLTaskSession Timeout Error. Also IOS Sitemap Pages started to refresh very slowly.
no nothing has changed
@digitaldan thanks for prompt reply. Maybe you can increase the timeout a bit more if it does not change the overal system working correctly?
No, the last time i changed it, it was back to an original setting, i’ll monitor the service a bit, but right now i’m not going to make any changes without more data.
Oki. I trust you have “broader view”. Thank you!