Error in creating snapshot of binding


Got the following error while doing ‘mvn package’ from my binding’s root folder:-

Non-resolvable parent POM for org.openhab.binding:org.openhab.binding.<my_custom_binding>:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.openhab.binding:pom:pom:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT and ‘parent.relativePath’ points at wrong local POM @ line 6, column 11

How can I fix this?? (I’m not much familiar with Maven stuffs.)


Looks like you forked some time ago, when it wad version 2.0 0 The creations now needs to be on a fork of 2.1.0

Thanks Jurgen. I used the Eclipse Installer to configure openHAB binding development and the startup tasks did the forking for me. So should I manually configure my Eclipse IDE to fix this?


If you manually set the two values in the mentioned pom to 2.1.0 it COULD work ( I’m not sure). I did it by forking the complete binding set in version 2.1.0 and do the above, can’t say which made it work.

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Thanks a lot Jurgen. Manually editing the 2 fields to 2.1.0 fixed the issue.