Error in rest api and VS code related?

Updated openhabian and VS code today. Now I get this

[Error - 18:05:19] Request textDocument/hover failed.
  Message: Internal error, please look at the server's logs.
  Code: -32603

every time I hover over any text with in VS Code. I had a look at the rest api, although it worked within VS Code, and found an error at the end.

If i click on error I get this message:

{"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","message":"Can't read from file http://****************:8080/rest/swagger.json"}]}

Any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it?

Does the problem persist if you restart OH and restart VSCode after OH comes back up?

Yes. Sorry. I thought that a restart couldn’t change the problem because it appeared after the update (which ended with a server restart).