Error message in console?

Today i did a fresh openhabian install om another rpi laying around. With another aeon gen 5 stick, factory resetted. Updated to the latest snapshot true openhabian.
Toen i tried a z wave inclusion, and got exactly the same issue,The new discovered thing only showed up after a restart of the service or the binding.

Here seems to be the same issue:

If i can help let me know!


I will take another look when I get a chance. It is not especially easy to find this sort of error as itā€™s completely unclear why the processing of incoming messages is stopping.

I tried another unsuccessfull secure in and exclusion after updating to the latest snapshot :slight_smile:
Yet another logā€¦I hope it brings some insight.

YetAnotherStrangeTextlog.txt (257.8 KB)

There needs to be another update yet, but at the moment the ZWave IDE is busted so I canā€™t easily test anything.

Iā€™ll see if I can make the change I think is needed, but at the moment until things are fixed I canā€™t run my test environment.

@chris I built a version of the binding with your PR. I did an inclusion, and it worked without issue. I donā€™t have time right now to do much more testing, but so far so good.

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Thumbs up

Problem solved, inclusion and secure inclusion working like a charm!
Thanks for your dedication!

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