For anybody else experiencing the same issue.
I cloned my git config files into a new OH4.3.1 install and triggered thousands of lines like this:
ERROR org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.resource.BatchLinkableResource resolution of uriFragment '|::' failed.
The part in the ’ ’ changed as the lines flooded the log, but was always similar.
There were some occasional appearances of these, which were huge long lines repeating the phrase Error executing EValidator about five times and occasionally throwing in a :
ERROR org.eclipse.xtext.validation.CompositeEValidator Error executing EValidator
Below the hundreds of lines just like the above, there was this line, hinting at which .rules file was causing the issue:
INFO org.openhab.core.model.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl Validation issues found in configuration model 'hvac.heatpump.rules', using it anyway: Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator Error executing EValidator...
I’ve truncated that line when I pasted it because it repeated the phrase about 50 times, interspersed with mentions of every local variable in one of the rules like this:
The value of the local variable outside is not used
At the top of my rules file there were three global variables - removing them made the issue go away.
Later I found that ‘clearing the cache’ might have helped: [SOLVED] Openhab 2.5 new rules are not working - #13 by 5iver