Error showing value Temperature


I have a problem for my openhab. My house have KNX and i has gateway IP. When i put integration with openhab, i have a problem for show value at my sensor temperature.

In page of Paperui -> control, the value it is ok, but in my sitemap p.e basicUI, the value is NULL


Thing device devTempAQ1Value [
] { Type number        : tempAQ1Value     "Temperature" [ ga="9.001:<3/0/0" ] }


Number tempSala “Temperature Room[%.1f ºC]” (FF_Room_Sala, gTemperature) [“Temperature”] { channel=“knx:device:bridge:devTempAQG8Value:tempAQG8Value” }

Text label=“Room” icon=“sofa” {
Default item=tempSala label=“Temperature Room”

Your thing has devTempAQ1Value but your item references a different channel with devTempAQG8Value. These will need to be the same, at least.

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Number tempSala “Temperature Room[%.1f ºC]” (FF_Room_Sala, gTemperature) [“Temperature”] { channel=“knx:device:bridge:tempAQG8Value:tempAQG8Value” }

right ?

Your thing is called devTempAQ1Value.

Your item is trying to attach to a thing called devTempAQG8Value.

So your item is not attaching to the same thing that you posted in your 1st post. Is there another thing that you have setup called devTempAQG8Value? Can we see that configuration?

Oh sorry. Error for “copy and paste” item.

i have multiple indor sensor’s.

In control the value it is ok. But, when i open basicUi p.e, value is null.

Thing device devTempAQ8Value [
] { Type number        : tempAQ8Value     "Temperature" [ ga="9.001:<3/0/0" ] }


Number tempSala “Temperature Room[%.1f ºC]” (FF_Room_Sala, gTemperature) [“Temperature”] { channel=“knx:device:bridge:devTempAQG8Value:tempAQG8Value” }

Text label=“Room” icon=“sofa” {
Default item=tempSala label=“Temperature Room”

It doesn’t show NULL or null. What do you actually see?

Look in your events.log, what does the Item get changed to?


in events.log : knx_device_bridge_devTempAQ8Value_tempAQ8Value changed from 25.6 to 25.8

In basic UI not have value basicui

In PaperUI -> control paperui

Is it your sitemap label definition which needs tweaking? Try:

Default item=tempSala label="Temperature Room [%.1f ÂşC]"

That’s your Item name. That’s the one you are looking at in PaperUI. Looks like an autogenerated Item from Simple mode.

It’s not the same Item name in your sitemap, so it won’t display.

it’s same :frowning: basicui

But, it is only temperature.

In switch p.e working very good.

I don’t understand what you mean.

Here is an Item getting a value, it is not a Switch

This Item’s name is knx_device_bridge_devTempAQ8Value_tempAQ8Value

This sitemap line would display that Item

Text item=knx_device_bridge_devTempAQ8Value_tempAQ8Value label="Temperature [%.1f ÂşC]"

I cannot tell from the information supplied, but I think that Item is probably linked to a Thing named devTempAQ8Value with a channel named tempAQ8Value

These are different from the channel you gave to your Item tempSala

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Thank you very much for your help

I think you’ve got Simple Mode turned on. This automatically creates Items, and gives them long unhelpful names like knx_device_bridge_devTempAQ8Value_tempAQ8Value.

When you want to move to the next step and create your own Items, with meaningful names and options that you want, simple mode gets in the way.

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